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Prices at McDonalds


Pumpkin Pilot
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Elite Explorer
February 8, 1999
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Wayoutin, Aridzona
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'93 XL '20 ST
I used to be a fast food addict, but that was many years ago. I haven't stopped at a McD's in ages. Today I had a craving for a Filet o Fish. I ordered the Filet, small fry, and small drink. The order came to just over $12.00! The small fries alone were $3.49. Showing my age, but I remember when you could get a cheeseburger, small fry and small drink for less than $1.

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I used to be a fast food addict, but that was many years ago. I haven't stopped at a McD's in ages. Today I had a craving for a Filet o Fish. I ordered the Filet, small fry, and small drink. The order came to just over $12.00! The small fries alone were $3.49. Showing my age, but I remember when you could get a cheeseburger, small fry and small drink for less than $1.
Yeah nowadays if I have to get fast food. I just order the biggest hamburger ... no meal no drink just ice water. Still comes out to like 8 or 9 bucks.

Dang. Small fries here are 2.39. Not long ago they were $1, though.

I forgot to mention, that my $3.49 fries were soggy and barely warm. I ate in their parking lot and didn't feel like complaining about the fries because I didn't want the sandwich to get cold while I dealt with that. "They always f' you at the drive-through". I don't remember which comedian said that, but it sure holds true.

Yeah I hardly eat fast food any longer but was also recently shocked by the price rises, way more than inflation can account for. Even a lowly McDouble which used to cost $1, not THAT long ago, then $1.29 last time I bought one... now $2.50. I won't even buy drinks and fries at today's prices.

Joe Peschi said that in one of the Die Hard movies. I got a sourdough jack combo last week and it was $14. I could have got In-and-Out for $10. Fast food is no longer fast or cheap. It's not worth the cost when I could order a large works pizza from Filippis for the cost or 1.5 combo meals.


I thought this very thing today. I had to get the kiddos food before my son's game. We stopped at a McD's. He wanted a fish with cheese, she a happy meal, me a fish with cheese. Fries with the fishes. It was a hair under $30. I thought, yowza, $30 was dinner for four at a sit-down chain restaurant when I was young. And it was considered more expensive then.

I hear you, Rick.

I used to be a fast food addict, but that was many years ago. I haven't stopped at a McD's in ages. Today I had a craving for a Filet o Fish. I ordered the Filet, small fry, and small drink. The order came to just over $12.00! The small fries alone were $3.49. Showing my age, but I remember when you could get a cheeseburger, small fry and small drink for less than $1.
Remember when the Filet o Fish was a decent size? Now it's on a bun the size of what you'd find in a happy meal. $12 later and you leave feeling slightly hungry still.

"They always f' you at the drive-through". I don't remember which comedian said that, but it sure holds true.
Leo said that in Lethal weapon 2. Probably the most honest thing Hollywood has said.

Joe Peschi said that in one of the Die Hard movies. I got a sourdough jack combo last week and it was $14. I could have got In-and-Out for $10. Fast food is no longer fast or cheap. It's not worth the cost when I could order a large works pizza from Filippis for the cost or 1.5 combo meals.
I noticed across the board... a lot of restaurants used to have "pandemic prices" well the pandemic went away... prices stayed the same!

Wendy’s up here for one dude and a combo meal is like $14-16 these day, two dudes for lunch can easily be over $25

McDonald’s has any drink for $1 though, comes in handy for the kids.
I rarely eat any fast food anymore, cannot afford it! Not only does it kill our health but simply cannot afford the drive through.

Remember the $0.39 menu at Taco Bell? That was still there in the 90’s if you wanted supreme it was .49 and .59 now even a soft taco is like $2 something.

Diesel up here is $4.09 to 4.20 a gallon…not fun

Was the filet o fish yummy?

LOL.. Yes I'm old and seldom ever go to any fast food chains. After a long day at the hospital for tests the wife and I decided to stop at a Hardee's on the way home because it was getting late. Ordered 2 small burgers combos. Voice over the speaker says $24.20.. WTF.. I ask, what did you say.. ? She repeats $24.20.. I say, You can keep it..

Remember the $0.39 menu at Taco Bell? That was still there in the 90’s if you wanted supreme it was .49 and .59 now even a soft taco is like $2 something.

I had a classmate in high school that worked at the local taco bell, and if we went in late, could order a burrito or two, and for under $1.50, have more overstuffed burrito than we cared to eat.

Taco bell is still one of the value leaders if you choose wisely (and if you like taco bell, lol). They have the craver-whatever-it-is combo for $6 or another for $9, provide a filling amount of food including the side and drink.

Cheapest way to get a lot of protein to just hold you over till the next meal, I'd still pick 2 x McDoubles at $2.50 a piece, for $5 total. I wouldn't enjoy them but if hot, and enough ketchup, they'd go down and I'd be good for a few hours.

It all makes me think more about prior planning... I mean I fix a lot more food with leftovers and just have to plan ahead and don't need fast food. If it's going to cost > $10, I could just freeze something and if I get it out in the morning and put in an insulated cooler, it's still safe to eat by lunch.

Right now I'm eating a leftover slice of pizza that I froze, and it thawed, and it hits the spot. Cost < $1. Granted that cost per slice is because it was a Kroger's rising crust frozen pizza, that I substantially improved with more toppings, my own sauce added from home grown tomatoes, etc... it's a system (or a madness, lol) incorporating some amount of ready made food with what you add, to end up with an acceptable, palatable outcome. I'm easy though, hot sauce fixes most things.

I paid over $5 for a Happy Meal for a 5 year old recently, and had to order on a screen.
Around here it seems like prices shot up as the pandemic eased - and we didn't shut down like a lot of places. I guess they had to raise prices to make up for all the business they lost when they closed or only the drive-thru was open. The Wendy's in one of the fastest growing towns in Iowa closes at 8 pm. They have 2 high schools and the games aren't over yet. Seems like they're losing a lot of business. Still a lot of traffic going by at 8.

Yes, the sandwich was good. The fries make the meal though and they were awful. :(
I always order the fries without salt (Having my way at Burger King) Usually a 5 min wait. But they're hot. Not even going with a coupon there much, now. Taco John's however seems to have a value menu I'm going to try next.

I used to be a fast food addict, but that was many years ago. I haven't stopped at a McD's in ages. Today I had a craving for a Filet o Fish. I ordered the Filet, small fry, and small drink. The order came to just over $12.00! The small fries alone were $3.49. Showing my age, but I remember when you could get a cheeseburger, small fry and small drink for less than $1.
The only fast food I go for, very rarely, is Popeye's. Nearly every time I get their chicken sandwich and an order of onion rings. Damn the cost, it is worth the price.

Yeah I hardly eat fast food any longer but was also recently shocked by the price rises, way more than inflation can account for. Even a lowly McDouble which used to cost $1, not THAT long ago, then $1.29 last time I bought one... now $2.50. I won't even buy drinks and fries at today's prices.
One of the major reasons the cost of fast food is skyrocketing is labor costs. They can't find enough workers and are having to pay them $15-$20 an hour when they do. In my area, many fast food joints only open their drive throughs because they don't have enough workers to open up the interior for ordering food.

not about the price but have you seen they brought back the hamburglar, just looks a bit different this time. saw on a billboard coming home from fresno

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One of the major reasons the cost of fast food is skyrocketing is labor costs. They can't find enough workers and are having to pay them $15-$20 an hour when they do. In my area, many fast food joints only open their drive throughs because they don't have enough workers to open up the interior for ordering food.
I feel like that is just one of their excuses.

Suppose, in a sane world, they can service one order a minute at the drive through. This means they do 60 an hour. That does seem realistic to me, I wouldn't want and won't wait more than 5 minutes to be 5 vehicles back in line.

Suppose they formerly paid the workers $8 an hour but now $20. That's $12 an hour difference while the rise in food prices is far more than $12/60 orders = $0.20 per order difference. There's also the # of employees it takes to get those orders ready, but it still doesn't seem like it takes that many X $0.20 per order, when a mere order of fries costs over twice as much for example and we know there is only one guy doing the fries.

We could add rising ingredient prices to it too, but it still does not come anywhere near accounting for the amount of cost rise.

Screw 'em. They can either want me back as a customer and make $1 profit per order, or make nothing because I won't patronize them until absolutely necessary.
