PTU vs PTO? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Active Member
July 4, 2023
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Eagle River, Alaska
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2013 PIU
2017 PIU
Can anyone clarify if there is a difference between PTU (power transfer unit) and PTO (power take off). I had only heard of PTO in the context of an auxiliary power source for mechanical winches and machinery on large trucks. I am aware that the PIU has a PTU which is essentially the transfer case to the rear.

The reason I ask is because when shopping for PIU radiators I am seeing options for PTO and the price difference is big between the two. Here is the Rockauto link, although I'm not going to go through rockauto.


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My guess is these are differentiating 2wd vs 4wd. I know the 4wd radiators were thicker for some years.

I’m thinking it’s just wrong wording. All the PIUs that I’ve worked on from 2012-2019 had PTU’s.

I’m thinking it’s just wrong wording. All the PIUs that I’ve worked on from 2012-2019 had PTU’s.
Thats what I am thinking, just wanted to make sure there was not some PTO winch or plow option I was not aware of.

Thats what I am thinking, just wanted to make sure there was not some PTO winch or plow option I was not aware of.
Definitely no plow option.

There's something about a plow in Forscan.
There’s probably also a hundred other things that don’t apply to the Explorer.

Update: Called the dealer and PTO refers to the PTU. So AWD/4WD is considered with PTO.
