Question: Wifi for Sync updates and missing 4g LTE | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Question: Wifi for Sync updates and missing 4g LTE


October 6, 2022
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City, State
Year, Model & Trim Level
2023, Explorer Timberline
Hi again,

My Timberline is being in transit to my dealer and I already saw in FordConnect I will need a Sync update to 3.4 and the maps....

However, the 4G LTE was removed in my vehicle due to the chip shortage and I was wandering if there is way I can connect the SYNC to my phone wifi hotspot?

I havn't found how to connect my radio, SYNC, etc to wifi via my cell hotspot.

Thanks for you knowledge.


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I would just download the updates to a flash drive and install them that way.

That's good to know. I didn't think the system was sophisticated enough to upload software via USB. 😊

I would just download the updates to a flash drive and install them that way.
Thanks but just in case to update maps, etc if I don,t have a usb drive, Is there a way to connect my Sync 3.4 to my phone data?? Anyway I have 100Gb per month 5G so I have no issue for data....??

That's good to know. I didn't think the system was sophisticated enough to upload software via USB. 😊
Yes, the fordconnect let you download the zip file required if you have a flash drive, unzip, drop the files and upload. But I prefer OTA to avoid bricking my radio!

I see that it takes 1.5 hr just to download and another hour to install. Oh, well. Just need to set aside an hour to drive around aimlessly. ;)

So would you just sit in your running vehicle for as long as it takes instead of using the USB? Or am I just showing my technically challenged self? I know my way around normal PC, phone and table t stuff for some reason, using that same process in my vehicle is scary since I am not familiar with the software running the Ex.

I see that it takes 1.5 hr just to download and another hour to install. Oh, well. Just need to set aside an hour to drive around aimlessly. ;)

So would you just sit in your running vehicle for as long as it takes instead of using the USB? Or am I just showing my technically challenged self? I know my way around normal PC, phone and table t stuff for some reason, using that same process in my vehicle is scary since I am not familiar with the software running the Ex.
I hear you. Now beside the update via USB or spending hours via wifi.... Does the SYNC3 can connect to my phone wifi hotspot and how?
For the rest, I can manage, just want to know if it can be done.


I hear you. Now beside the update via USB or spending hours via wifi.... Does the SYNC3 can connect to my phone wifi hotspot and how?
For the rest, I can manage, just want to know if it can be done.

With out a modem I doubt if you can. But I could be wrong. I've never been able to update OTA as I don't have great service in my garage.

I hear you. Now beside the update via USB or spending hours via wifi.... Does the SYNC3 can connect to my phone wifi hotspot and how?
For the rest, I can manage, just want to know if it can be done.

I would think that depends on how robust your phone WiFi hotspot is. It might take forever. I started downloading on my home WiFi about 20 minutes ago and it's almost finished. - 11.8 GB file (zipped).

If you can get a USB 3.0 flash drive that will help speed up things when you install in the vehicle.

I would think that depends on how robust your phone WiFi hotspot is. It might take forever. I started downloading on my home WiFi about 20 minutes ago and it's almost finished. - 11.8 GB file (zipped).

If you can get a USB 3.0 flash drive that will help speed up things when you install in the vehicle.
His Explorer dosn't have a modem so I doubt there is a way to connect a phone.

Oh, duh - I missed that important tidbit of info... sorry about that.:confused:

Oh, duh - I missed that important tidbit of info... sorry about that.:confused:
No problem. I just downloaded an update and am installing it via USB right now. I do not have the vehicle running just hit the power button but did not start it but have a charger hooked up. I might need to reset a time or two.

Just finished the update using a flash drive. New version is 3.4 Build 22251 Uploaded it to Ford and they show I'm up to date. Went well.

Totally cool. Good to know that I won't have to drive around for an hour. ;)

Totally cool. Good to know that I won't have to drive around for an hour. ;)
At the price of gas it helps. This only took about 20 or 30 minutes.

Even better! Thanks for the good info.

Just finished the update using a flash drive. New version is 3.4 Build 22251 Uploaded it to Ford and they show I'm up to date. Went well.
How long did it take Dale? I haven't checked for updates on mine yet.


Your initial post says that 4G LTE was deleted. It is possible that the WiFi capability is still there. If so, you should be able to connect to your home WiFi access point and have updates downloaded that way. Since connecting to your phone's hotspot uses the same WiFi capability, I would expect that to work as well; provided your cellular service supports tethering.

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It was pretty quick. About 30 minutes to download. And about 20 to install.
It took mine around 15 minutes to install. Mine is now updated to 22251. Thanks for the info Dale.

