Sync update weirdness | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Sync update weirdness


Explorer Addict
November 18, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
Bowling Green, KY
Year, Model & Trim Level
2007 Ford Explorer 4.6 V8
I decided to try to update SYNC tonight - haven't done it since we bought the Explorer two years ago.
I have WiFi in the garage so I hook up a battery tender and get to work.
Hmmm - it's already connected (I seem to vaguely recall we hooked it to the WiFi shortly after buying it) and auto updates is on. OK - check for updates. Current version is 21194_PRODUCT. I think it came with that but checking for updates results in it saying I'm up to date.
Create an account on the Ford site - check for update there and it says one is available. When I select update by WiFi it just gives me instructions on how to do that. I go through it again and it still says it's up to date. Was hoping going through the web site would push it out but that doesn't seem to be the case. Not sure why the web site says an update is available but it won't pick it up.
To top it off - at some point during this process my lights started staying on. Well - that's weird. I opened the garage door and started it hoping that would reset things but no luck. Checked the light switch - maybe I hit it with my knee? It was on the automatic setting - turned it to the off setting and nothing happened - turned it back to the automatic setting and the lights went off.
Nothing in SYNC seems to be broken so I'm just going to let it be. I'll check it occasionally and see if it updates on it's own.

Edit - I think I did accidentally hit the switch - hard to explain the sequence of events there but I no longer believe any gremlins were present.

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I think you wold be better off updating using a flash drive from the website. I have had no luck using WiFi. What year is you Explorer? Newest SYNC is 23188

I think you wold be better off updating using a flash drive from the website. I have had no luck using WiFi. What year is you Explorer? Newest SYNC is 23188
Likely - but I've read the stories here on that and the extra step involved in reporting your current version back to Ford. It's something I'd do if we were having issues but we aren't so I'm not really solving any problems - just thought I'd give it a try. It's a 2022 model.
I am behind on map updates and I seem to have only one option there according to the web site - and that's using a USB drive. I'll do that at some point and see how it goes as I consider it more important than the incremental SYNC update.

Likely - but I've read the stories here on that and the extra step involved in reporting your current version back to Ford. It's something I'd do if we were having issues but we aren't so I'm not really solving any problems - just thought I'd give it a try. It's a 2022 model.
I am behind on map updates and I seem to have only one option there according to the web site - and that's using a USB drive. I'll do that at some point and see how it goes as I consider it more important than the incremental SYNC update.
In your first post you mentioned hooking up a battery tender. Just wondering why that was done? Unlike using a USB to update SYNC, WiFi updates will happen if the vehicle is OFF. My 2020 Aviator updated SYNC and maps via WiFi. The maps took a few days since I used the vehicle during the process so the update had to pick up from where it left off.


I hooked up the battery tender just to make sure I didn't run the battery down while I was messing with it in accessory mode. It's the wife's vehicle and she makes mostly short runs in it so better safe than sorry.
