Replaced RDU, Cant drive | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Replaced RDU, Cant drive


New Member
February 9, 2022
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City, State
Year, Model & Trim Level
2016 Explorer Limited 2.3
2016 Limited 2.3 AWD

Alright Geniuses, help a guy out here.

Replaced my RDU with a low mileage salvage unit, PCM was reprogrammed with the code listed on the connector. Wheel speed sensors were also replaced. One OEM, one aftermarket.

When doing a test drive, the traction control kicks in and weirdly balances the power causing the car to kick around in the back. Sometimes but not all times during this I will see the traction control light kick on. There are no DTC in any module. The wheel speed sensors appear to be reading identically. As of right now the car isn't driveable.

When monitoring the traction control and wheel speed sensors using live data in forscan, it disconnects when the back end kicks weirdly.

Please help......

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RDU :dunno:

Do the gear sets match?

How do you know you did not get a v-6 rear? They have at least two gear ratio's

How do you know you did not get a v-6 rear? They have at least two gear ratio's
Every single number on the part patches. There is only one p/N for the 2.3.
