Roll Over Posse Board Member Nominations and Elections | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Roll Over Posse Board Member Nominations and Elections

Hello all. As the member who this phrase was coined after, I believe we have enough members now to start making an actual board and sub-division of Serious Explorations. Therefore, I must lay down a few rules for the nominations and elections.

1. Anybody can be nominated that is a member of the roll over posse.

2. As a member though, consideration for election must be based on a few simple factors.
2a. Stupidity-Ie, getting hammered and trying to do doughnuts in a wash. Who was that?
2b. Ammount-Ie, number of times that any one person has had at least two wheels, of the same side of the vehicle, off the ground for more than, oh let's say 30 seconds.
2c. Dedication/Damage-Ie. The amount of damage sustained to the vehicle, but the dedication of the owner to fix it and continue on.

All roll over posse members are allowed to vsubmit nominations, but a short story briefly describing the incident must be accompanied so that when voting comes arround that members may have a basis to vote on.

Let's have fun with this, and remember, the longer you continue to offroad, it's not a matter of IF, but WHEN you too will become a member.

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I beleive that'st derrickc with the flop at the Canyon.

Bill does have more than 2 under his belt. I know of at least three :D

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I belive 3 is the correct answer for Bill. I know of at least 4 for Tom though. He tried to hide the first flop, but it still counts as two wheels on the same side were up for at least 30 seconds.

Yes, it's three for me, thanks for counting, Rick!
Twice onto the roof, both times effectively totalling the truck. Two rebuilds. One exo-cage installed. One roll onto driver side, with zero damage.:cool:

This is funny to read. I hope i don't join the club. I'm just enjoying reading about the rolls!

both of my rolls were from being stupid.....

once when i didnt have my license and wanted to showoff, and the other when i tried to go up a tabletop at carnegie svra that was too narrow, the dirt under the right side gave from under the truck..... down i went.....

I knew it was just a matter of time before "The Turtle" ended up on it's side! NOW i'm more convinced than ever that I need a full roll cage and rock sliders!

Maybe we can get someone to design a custom "smily" icon just for the members of "The posse"?!? And T-shirts also! he he

Thanks to all who voted me into this elite group of radical offroaders!!


Originally posted by JoshC
This is funny to read. I hope i don't join the club. I'm just enjoying reading about the rolls!

I have to agree Josh, these stories are funny, I will never join the club, since I don't take my X offroad......that is unless I roll her by taking a street corner too sharp and running up over the curb...which happens alot near my house. The streets are quite narrow and cars are parked on the street, which in my opinion they shouldn't be, and if I'm coming around the corner, and a car is coming toward me around a parked car, I have to move over and in doing so, I cut the corner too sharp, ending up with both of my passenger side wheels on the curb. :eek:

Originally posted by Diff Whack Daddy
And below for Secretary, whoever it is for the plain and simple Oh **** factor.

Yeah, he's saying Oh ****!! How the hell am I getting it upright again :)

Does it count if it happened on the road, 1 minute from my house, not being stupid? I better dig up the pics of the Mazda, Kevin, I think I was tyelling you at the Carlisle run:D

Hey Rat, submitt the story and picks and I'll let you know for sure, but if it falls into the rules of the first post of this thread, then I am sure it counts.

Its hard to tell if you guys are proud to be in the posse or making fun of them for rolling....
I dont think anyone answered about if it happens on the street-'cuz i rolled my 93 after driving off a cliff and taking out a sign and a, not TOO fun, but a little fun. kinda scary.

Yes, street roll overs count.

Trckmagik, deffinate qulifier. Add in the details.

Originally posted by Trckmagik
Am I in the club. I think I rolled the newest vehicle :rolleyes:

Oh my God, you were lucky you weren't hurt.

Sweet, I know I wont join but sweet

I think my Wife qualifies as being in the Posse.....This was my '92 sport after she rolled it.



And no, it wasn't on Firestones, or her fault. Some jerk in a Heep caused the accident and then fled the scene.

Wasn't this vehicle totaled?
Didn't it go through the insurance auction?
It sure does look familliar.
I have a gold one too that was rolled.



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:eek: :eek:


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We buy 90% of all of our vehicle from the Dallas Ft Worth area, and the other 10% come from College Station and north Houston.

Yes that is blood insdie the vehicle.


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Yes it went through Auction. There is a man here in Dallas that bought it and fixed it. I get phone calls all the time where people have seen my old ST. Man that truck was bad arse.....
