Roll Over Posse Board Member Nominations and Elections | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Roll Over Posse Board Member Nominations and Elections

Hello all. As the member who this phrase was coined after, I believe we have enough members now to start making an actual board and sub-division of Serious Explorations. Therefore, I must lay down a few rules for the nominations and elections.

1. Anybody can be nominated that is a member of the roll over posse.

2. As a member though, consideration for election must be based on a few simple factors.
2a. Stupidity-Ie, getting hammered and trying to do doughnuts in a wash. Who was that?
2b. Ammount-Ie, number of times that any one person has had at least two wheels, of the same side of the vehicle, off the ground for more than, oh let's say 30 seconds.
2c. Dedication/Damage-Ie. The amount of damage sustained to the vehicle, but the dedication of the owner to fix it and continue on.

All roll over posse members are allowed to vsubmit nominations, but a short story briefly describing the incident must be accompanied so that when voting comes arround that members may have a basis to vote on.

Let's have fun with this, and remember, the longer you continue to offroad, it's not a matter of IF, but WHEN you too will become a member.

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I think we need to add:

No membership will be allowed if the person rolled/layed it over for the express purpose of joining the posse.

Otherwise, happy trails are here! :D

Originally posted by tdavis
I think we need to add:

No membership will be allowed if the person rolled/layed it over for the express purpose of joining the posse.

Otherwise, happy trails are here! :D

i think that would be an automatic membership if they did it to get in..

I agree Tom, although I don't think there are too many Explorer drivers who would do that. Staged or preplanned rollovers/laydowns will not be excepted as members or nominees.

Just to add this as I forgot before, the nominees will be for:

Vice President

We will add more board members as needed or as the suggestions arrive.

Originally posted by Mikke
i think that would be an automatic membership if they did it to get in..

Nobody wants to roll. It just happens. This posse does not have the prestige for people to want to join. It just happens.

What about slow learners? You know, that class of rare individual that just can't seem to get the hang of it and rolls it again :D
And again, LOL :D

Originally posted by Diff Whack Daddy
Nobody wants to roll. It just happens. This posse does not have the prestige for people to want to join. It just happens.

ya but if somone were to do it to gain membership i think they should

GJarrett, refer to 2b. of initial post.

Mikke, we have to have some rules, and staged or purposefull damage can not be accepted.

Originally posted by Mikke
ya but if somone were to do it to gain membership i think they should

The posse isn't in place to give honor to someone. Rolling/Flopping is not a badge of honor - unless your the TinBenders out of Ridgecrest, CA

That's why we discourage it. We don't want people rolling/flopping their vehicle.

Originally posted by GJarrett
What about slow learners? You know, that class of rare individual that just can't seem to get the hang of it and rolls it again :D
And again, LOL :D

Hey! 4th time was the charm for the Navajo.. :D

Let's see..

1) drivers side
2) passengers side
3) drivers side
4) complete on the roof oh **** moment.

yea, the last one did it in.

For me it's a toss up between Bill and Tom... I think Tom has Bill beat for style! Not everyone can claim to have endoed a Mazda Navajo:eek:

So here's my list:

Pres: Tdavis - Frequency and style
Vice: RangerX - Frequency
Secratary: Diffwhackdaddy - Humor factor!

I guess I'm just a supporting member with just 1 layover under my belt.... knock on wood!!!

Note my qn on the other thread - is the Posse limited to fourwheeling whoops like we've had, or do street accidents qualify for membership?

Ditto Rick..... tdavis gets my second for vote on President based on sheer consistency and numbers of flops :D

How many has Bill had?

Yeah, I agree. Somewhere in Oregon I had to stop and duct tape the winshield to keep it from falling out.

Hey! Bill (RangerX) has more roof time than I do!

Heck, he's collapsed the cab how many times now? Two?

Besides, I don't have an explorer/navajo anymore.

Ah, but you did Tom. And until you flop or roll the Zuk, you are still a member. And that doesn't mean go lay the zuk over in the driveway to get out of the posse.

I too only have one rollover, but you're right Rick, humor was a large factor. Hence bilaw 2a.

So that's just two for Bill, but four for Tom. Bill's just more efficient at completing the manuever :D

I do believe Bill has more than two...

Yes, but remember 2c, Dedication/Damage. Tom no longer drives a Ford. Therefore my nominations would be:

President-Bill, for his devotion to bilaw 2c.
Vice President-Tom for his frequency
And below for Secretary, whoever it is for the plain and simple Oh **** factor.


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Need a nomination and a story/stories to go along with it.
