Smell of burnt oil and other things. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Smell of burnt oil and other things.


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August 18, 2014
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1997 Ford Explorer
I want to start off by staying that I've had my license since may so im still new at driving. This is my first winter driving in the cold, so i have some question regarding how my car runs.

I have a 1997 Ford explorer XLT v8 5.0, and when winter came, I started to realize that my car idles louder, meaning my exhaust seems louder, having a more throaty sound (if that makes sense), and my RPMs at idle are slightly higher than they normally are when i first start my car when it's cold.

I drove to work today, and when i walked in front of my car, i could smell the scent of burnt oil. I did get my oil change 2 weeks ago. and someone told me that after a new oil change, the car will burn a little oil. Can anyone confirm that?

And some that bit of info. I do have a slow leak from my waterpump, and i am going to get that fixed. For years you could hear the pistons move from in the cabin of the car whenever you accelerate.

If anyone could explain the things im experiencing? I'm just very paranoid because it's an older car.

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1) Knowing something about the history of this vehicle (mileage, previous repairs, oil consumption, etc.) would help.
2) Higher initial idling in cold weather sounds normal to me.
3) The 'throaty sound' may indicate a crack in the exhaust manifold. If you have the tubular version (quite likely for a '97), that's a common problem.
4) Your description of where the burning oil smell is coming from does not fit oil burning (that would result in smoky/smelly exhaust). More likely it's an external leak from the engine that ends dripping and getting burned on the exhaust manifold. Could be lower intake manifold, valve covers, or even a head gasket. Clean the engine and you will probably see where it's coming from.
5) If you indeed have the dreaded 'piston slap' on acceleration, the engine may be severely worn, but that would come with other signs: low oil pressure, oil burning (blue smoke), etc.

I want to start off by staying that I've had my license since may so im still new at driving. This is my first winter driving in the cold, so i have some question regarding how my car runs.

I have a 1997 Ford explorer XLT v8 5.0, and when winter came, I started to realize that my car idles louder, meaning my exhaust seems louder, having a more throaty sound (if that makes sense), and my RPMs at idle are slightly higher than they normally are when i first start my car when it's cold.

I drove to work today, and when i walked in front of my car, i could smell the scent of burnt oil. I did get my oil change 2 weeks ago. and someone told me that after a new oil change, the car will burn a little oil. Can anyone confirm that?

And some that bit of info. I do have a slow leak from my waterpump, and i am going to get that fixed. For years you could hear the pistons move from in the cabin of the car whenever you accelerate.

If anyone could explain the things im experiencing? I'm just very paranoid because it's an older car.

The burning smell after an oil change is common... Especially when you make a mess on your exhaust... Should go away though. Check your valve covers leaking oil onto the exhaust. Probably where most of the oil I have to top up leaks to...

Your piston slap should go away when warm. If not... probably just worn out. If that the case just drive it till she goes out. These 5.0's are hard to kill. I have 265 kms on mine and she drinks next to no oil.

Drive it for a little longer and you will become more comfortable with it especially what noises are normal and what are not.

Thanks for the info. My explorer has 115K miles, new fuel pump, vacuum tubes, My mechanic said my water pump has a slow leak, which is why im getting it replaced. Oil changes have been on time. new battery. But this water pump is the last thing im putting into the thing. Either going to sell it, or run her until she stops.

Thanks for the info. My explorer has 115K miles, new fuel pump, vacuum tubes, My mechanic said my water pump has a slow leak, which is why im getting it replaced. Oil changes have been on time. new battery. But this water pump is the last thing im putting into the thing. Either going to sell it, or run her until she stops.

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