Spark Plug Change Question | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Spark Plug Change Question


April 17, 2003
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'03 XLT
My 2003 4.6L Explorer just turned 25k miles!
Still has the factory spark plugs.
Should these be changed?
If so what brand/type?

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Is the 25K miles a typo?

Did you pull any and take a look at them?
25,000 is not a lot of miles, but be careful when pulling them, I would shoot some PB blaster and let it soak for a while.
Plugs, a lot can be said about that, I use the Motorcraft.
Check the plug wires too, check at night in the dark, look for any arching/sparking when running.
Take care pulling the plug wires too.
I am guessing it runs OK?

The plugs shouldn't be worn out from 25K mi no matter their age, but after being in this long they might be seized so it is a good idea to spray some penetrant on them, and try loosening them with the engine warm - just cool enough that you don't burn yourself.

Once they are loose, that's the important part, break the bond they've made with the threads due to being in so long, BUT since plugs aren't especially expensive, at that point a lot of people would go ahead and replace the plugs, and the wires while they're at it, since disturbing wires that old can cause them to get breaks in them internally.

Plugs and wires, the easy answer is motorcraft, though most major brand, normal fine wire double platinum should work.

Did you pull any and take a look at them?
25,000 is not a lot of miles, but be careful when pulling them, I would shoot some PB blaster and let it soak for a while.
Plugs, a lot can be said about that, I use the Motorcraft.
Check the plug wires too, check at night in the dark, look for any arching/sparking when running.
Take care pulling the plug wires too.
I am guessing it runs OK?

The plugs shouldn't be worn out from 25K mi no matter they age, but after being in this long them might be seized so it is a good idea to spray some penetrant on them, and try loosening them with the engine warm - just cool enough that you don't burn yourself.

Once they are loose, that's the important part, break the bond they've made with the threads due to being in so long, BUT since plugs aren't especially expensive, at that point a lot of people would go ahead and replace the plugs, and the wires while they're at it, since disturbing wires that old can cause them to get breaks in them internally.

Plugs and wires, the easy answer is motorcraft, though most major brand, normal fine wire double platinum should work.
Thank you all for the replies! Never looked at them. I did read in previous posts about spraying
them before removal. I have some PB blaster in the shop! As suggested I may just replace the plugs and wires. Be well!

I'd do the plugs and wires. At this point the insulation may have aged to the point of cracking if it's original. It's not a hugely expensive thing.

If the new plugs come with “silver” colored threads (which they should) do not add anti seize. The silver coating is an anti seize coating. The torque value is only 13 lbs or so.
