Weird chirping noise PLEASE HELP! | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Weird chirping noise PLEASE HELP!

Hey, did you find out what the problem was? My 2016 Explorer is doing this as well and nobody can figure it out.
Since this thread seems to have died, did you find anything with yours? My 2018 Explorer is doing the same thing.

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Since this thread seems to have died, did you find anything with yours? My 2018 Explorer is doing the same thing.
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Anyone figure this out?
I have a 2018 explorer that does the same thing. From what I'm reading it may be related to the PTU but I am not sure what would cause it.

I am thinking of changing my PTU fluid to see if it goes away. It really only happens when the car is cold and warming up.

Anyone figure this out?
I have a 2018 explorer that does the same thing. From what I'm reading it may be related to the PTU but I am not sure what would cause it.

I am thinking of changing my PTU fluid to see if it goes away. It really only happens when the car is cold and warming up.
Welcome to the Forum. :wave:


Well. I replaced my transmission fluid and i still had the chirp.

Then I attempted to replace the PTU fluid but was only able to get about 4oz out, but I refilled to the top off line and closed it up and haven't had a chirp since! It's been a couple weeks. So I definitely recommend a PTU service if you are experiencing this noise.

I just ordered a better hose so I can get in there and get all the old fluid out. The fluid I removed didn't look that dirty, wondering if it was just slightly low.

I only got about 6oz out of the PTU, definitely low, I think ~18oz is the recommended fill amount.

Just to clarify, it's not that there was only 4oz, it's that the tube I had wasn't able to get down there far enough. Once my extended warranty runs out I will tap a drain plug into the PTU. That will make it much easier.

I extended the vent tube which is what I use to fill it.

Hey everyone!
Wish I could upload a video... I’ve had the beast In the shop twice and when I drove it home it did it again.

around 5 minutes into the drive I get a really loud chirping Squeaking noise that lasts about 2-5 minutes then goes away. It seems to be coming from the right bottom side of the engine, but no one knows where. I am beginning to think it’s a bearing, but it is LOUD!

have any of you ever had this? I’ll put it up on YouTube and share the link...
Did you ever find out what your chirping noise was? Thanks.

Just to clarify, it's not that there was only 4oz, it's that the tube I had wasn't able to get down there far enough. Once my extended warranty runs out I will tap a drain plug into the PTU. That will make it much easier.

I extended the vent tube which is what I use to fill it.

Someone upped this thread. So I'll update, the noise came back after a few thousand miles. I changed fluid again and it had no effect. Brought it to dealer and they couldn't figure out what was making the noise. It's slowly getting worse. So hopefully I'll have an answer before my extended warranty runs out.
