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What is this?


September 6, 2022
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2008 Explorer XLT.
This seems to be leaking. What is it and why? Any ideas? The part# is rubbed off so I can't look it up. Front right engine bay.

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Looks like the brake anti lock control. Do some of the lines go to the brake master cylinder?

Abs pump to wheels hydraulic line.
Need to be replaced in advance.not safe to drive

It wouldn't have been a part number you saw on it. It's my understanding that those are engineering numbers. Often similar to part numbers but they aren't actual part numbers that you could use at a dealer or parts store.
Found this out a few years ago when looking for replacement springs for a 2005 Lincoln LS.

Abs pump to wheels hydraulic line.
Need to be replaced in advance.not safe to drive
I don't have any codes as of yet. The only fluid I found is at the 4th line at the bottom of the pic around the connection. I replaced the ABS module recently (within the last 2 years) when the original failed, but not the pump I don't believe. Brake fluid is still full in the overflow so the leak can't be that bad, right?

Once leaked,the brake system is not reliable anymore,you dont really know when it will totally be failed.

anyways the leak from the top of the flare nut means the whole line needs to be replaced or the nut is undertighten (less common)

Thread (bottom of the flare nut) leak means over or undertighten flare nut.
