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Winch shopping? Comparison specs here:

XRC Smittybuit

Anybody try the XRC Smittybuilt winches? I am thinking about using the #8000lbs winch for $299. Any pros/cons?

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So I am guessing that the xrc8 is plenty of winch for the ex? I just won one in a raffle and since mile marker control boxes are cheaply made and keep breaking, I am thinking of replacing my 9000# mile marker with the 8000# smittybuilt since the control box seems more sturdy at least.

I've used my xrc8 many times now and it has worked great every time. I've used it to pull out ex's, jeeps, and a land rover.

can someone explain whats the diffence in a old school warn and the new VR series....
my local shop quoted me 409.99 for a warn VR8000.........
how are these built for so much cheaper and i know they still carry a warn full lifetime warranty but if theyre the same/better/cheaper then why make one for twice as much still....
thanks in advance

Premier, here are some numbers for the HF Badlands Winches from this thread, do with them what you please. :)
I wanted to contribute some numbers to those looking for a comparison, feel free to tag this or C&P to the front post:

Badlands 9000 LBS (#68143) Pull By Layer
1/ 9000 lb. 18.1′ (5.5m)
2/ 7350 lb. 40.3′ (12.3m)
3/ 6170 lb. 67′ (20.4m)
4/ 5340 lb. 95′ (29m)
5/ 4750 lb. 100′ (30.5m)

Badlands 12000 LBS (#68142) Pull By Layer
1/ 12000 lb. 16′ (4.9m)
2/ 9550 lb. 36′ (11m)
3/ 8000 lb. 61′ (18.6m)
4/ 6800 lb. 90′ (27.4m)
5/ 6000 lb. 100′ (30.5m)

The manual has some more specs on line speed and amp draw if anyone's interested.

Anybody have any feedback on the Superwinch? :scratch:



I'm looking at the LP8500 (PN-1585202) sold on Amazon for $300 This will fit nicely tucked up under the grill as it is only 8.5" H


18' No-load FPM beats out the Smittybuilt, and the HF badlands models.

Rated line pull 8,500 lb. (3,856 kg) bottom layer
Motor 4.5 hp (3.3kW) series wound, 12V DC
Gearing 3-stage planetary
Gear ratio 235:1
Braking Auto, mechanical load hold
Freespool clutch Lever action
Wire rope 5/16" x 94' (7.9mm x 29m)
Dimensions 21.0" l. x 6.3" d. x 8.6" h.
(533mm l. x 160mm d. x 218mm h.)
Drum Diameter 2.5" (63.5mm)
Drum Length 8.8" (224mm)
Installed weight 76 lb (34.5 kg)
Switching method 15' (4.5m) rubber handheld remote
Switching mechanism Sealed solenoid
Hawse Yes
Color-coated wiring Yes

Performance 12VDC (Bottom layer on drum)

Line Pull Motor AMPS Line Speed
LB (kg) 12v FPM (m/m)
0 0 84 18.0 (5.5)
2,500 (1,134) 156 9.8 (3.0)
4,500 (2,041) 215 7.5 (2.3)
6,500 (2,948) 270 6.0 (1.8)
8,500 (3,856) 320 3.5 (1.1)

At that price, buy three!

Superwinch 8500...

The load line speeds are a slight concern, but not really important, as long as it pulls. The weight that is posted at those line speeds are what is concerning. Seems even tho it is a series wound motor, with 235:1 3 stage planetary gears, it looks like it gets real weak fast as the layers go down on the spool.

Seems it would work fine at the top layers, and using a block would make up for those #'s, just a PITA to use a block all the time.

Decisions, decisions....:scratch:

Excellent post. Thanks for all the info.
Quick question, when was this pulled together.... is the info still up to date?

Excellent post. Thanks for all the info.
Quick question, when was this pulled together.... is the info still up to date?
Since this thread is almost 9 years old and hasn't been updated for more than 5, I'm going to assume it isn't all that up-to-date.

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