98 Explorer 5.0 More Power Cam ??? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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98 Explorer 5.0 More Power Cam ???

I remember when I had my 94 Mustang GT Convertible and wanted more power. I was looking at the GT40P Heads and intake from a 1998 Explorer. Well the Mustang got totaled and now I have a 1998 5.0 explorer. I got it from the original owner with 130,000 miles and it is in almost mint condition with no flaws.

I was wondering why if it has the GT40P heads and intake why is the engine only rated at 215 HP the same as my 1994 GT vert?

I guess its the cam? Whats the best cam I can put in to get the most Horse Power?

Thanks, jason

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A cam will do you no good until you put a set of Torque Monster hearders on it.

Take a look at your stock exhaust manifolds and you will se why.

I moved this thread to the "need for speed" sub forum.

Camshaft choice is critical, there is no " best cam" for horsepower.

Your best bet is to choose a camshaft grinder of your liking, call them on the phone and express your true desires for the truck.

Beware, a camshaft swap in these trucks usually means pulling the engine out, and a chain reaction of parts needed to support it. Going higher than .500 lift for instance would require stud mounted rocker arms-( this is my opinion only). Like Dan said, you will definitely need Torquemonster headers to come near your goal.

in fact, if you plan on revving over 5500 rpm's, which will be needed to get to higher HP numbers-you will need quite a bit of valvetrain work for reliability-IMHO

The OEM headers are the reason for the lower hp rating, those cut a good 25hp alone. The OEM cam is also for lower rpm power than the Mustang HO cam, even though the Explorer 302 revs higher(auto).

Hey another Houston guy, we will have to meet up for sure. I run the Trick Flow Stage 1 and absolutely hate it. I do have the TM Headers and a bunch of other crap, but that cam is definitely not for our trucks!!
Maybe with a converter it would work better and that is a bit down the road for me.

Any cam made for a Mustang is not going to work in an Explorer with out a lot of tuning adn/or torque converter.

Competition Cams makes a cam for our application.

A cam will do you no good until you put a set of Torque Monster hearders on it.

Take a look at your stock exhaust manifolds and you will se why.
I got those headers now installed. I was wondering if duel exhaust would make a difference over the Gibson after market exhaust. The upgrade I did was dual electric fans high flow water pump cooler t-stat Is high energy coils and wires After spending 450 on Gibson exhaust not sure if dual exhaust would even give me any more horsepower.

I got those headers now installed. I was wondering if duel exhaust would make a difference over the Gibson after market exhaust. The upgrade I did was dual electric fans high flow water pump cooler t-stat Is high energy coils and wires After spending 450 on Gibson exhaust not sure if dual exhaust would even give me any more horsepower.
Sorry just question on TM headers, how long you wait for them?

Thanks, ordered my set March 23, communicated with Bob till September 10th, then unresponsive and getting nervous, so at least he will eventually get them done
Be patient it's worth the wait my truck is much better along with the upgrades I made
