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PCM and Keys Issue


Explorer Addict
November 12, 2009
Reaction score
West-Central AZ along the Colorado River
Year, Model & Trim Level
59 Ranchero F250 D'Line
PCM suspected, I ordered a new one, which came with 2 "pre-programmed" (PATS) keys. Had teeth cut by locksmith duplicating my oiriginal keys. Installed replacement PCM, inserted key, PATS indicator winked properly, started engine. Other key won't start engine. The explanation which came with the PCM for programming, I did not follow. Stupid me. PCM was not the issue after all.

OK, not wanting to have only one key, I put the original PCM back in, had the 2 original Ford keys we had always used, 2 of them, started engine normally. Other key WILL NOT start engine! WTH did I do wrong??

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Use ForScan and wipe and program PATS from scratch.
Thank you. But I cannot understand how removing a PCM which works with 2 keys, then putting it back, battery was disconnected during the work, why only one key worked? imp

I believe the PCM and Security module are now no longer in sync.
IOW, installing a different PCM fouled up the match between the Security Module and PCM? I figured something like that. imp

Imp you are having quite a time with all those modules!

are they both Strattec Ford keys?

They are embossed with the Ford logo, is all I can say about them. imp

i would say they are close to OEM. some of the bad ones have batteries in them and parts that go bad. i had to buy two keys, only the one from the dealer programmed first. i could not program the knockoff first, but only 2nd. the first one i bought didnt even work at all. food for thought i guess

i would say they are close to OEM. some of the bad ones have batteries in them and parts that go bad. i had to buy two keys, only the one from the dealer programmed first. i could not program the knockoff first, but only 2nd. the first one i bought didnt even work at all. food for thought i guess
Thanks for info. imp
