Morimoto H1s and mounty headlights | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Morimoto H1s and mounty headlights

Here is the start of my retrofit
Before (Dirty Lens)

Before without lens

First one installed (dirty lens)

Both installed no lenses (I need to buff the lenses)

Clean Driverside Lens!

Clean Passenger Lens!
All I could find to clean was Turtle Wax Headlight Lens Restore but it seemed to work well!

Angel Eyes LED (testing)

passenger headlight LED Angel eye mounted test

Driverside headlight LED Angel eye mounted test

both Headlights LED Angel eyes mounted test

Still not fully aimed, and need to paint the grill, more pics to come!
These are now on a 96 Explorer :-D

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Any pics on how you mounted them in there?

Any pics on how you mounted them in there?

mounted what:
the projectors: they basicly screw right in (no pics)
the angel eyes on the shrouds: silicone (no pics)
the headlights in the car: not mounted yet (pics to come)

btw new pics posted again with Angel Eyes!

the angel eyes on the shrouds: silicone (no pics)

That's what I was wondering about. I have the projectors, just wasn't sure how you got the angel eyes to go on there. Thanks

That's what I was wondering about. I have the projectors, just wasn't sure how you got the angel eyes to go on there. Thanks

some people tie it onto the shroud with either fishing line or floral wire. the fishing line will make it invisible

dreddog47 said:
some people tie it onto the shroud with either fishing line or floral wire. the fishing line will make it invisible

I wish I would have thought of that! Oh well the silicone seems good!

They are in! also made the pics all thumbnails! i will make this a writeup soon so others can do it too!

Does anyone know the correct way to wire up the trs 9007 really cause my brights aren't working they don't engage the solenoid and the turn off the hids

IIRC, the 9007 kits are actually wired for 9004's there's a wire you need to switch somewhere. I will see if I can find more info.

Does anyone know the correct way to wire up the trs 9007 really cause my brights aren't working they don't engage the solenoid and the turn off the hids

as said before, its just a simple re pinning. Use a straight pick and pop the tab on the spade from the input end and pull the wire out of the back. If you can't figure out how it goes I can go look at one of the 3 repinned TRS harnesses in my garage but its just reversing 2 wires. I think the middle and right side if your looking from the wire end.

Also, if you repin it and it still doesn't work, check ALL fuses related to the headlights. My friend actually popped a fuse on his 00 explorer after turning it on wired wrong and the high beams wouldn't work until we replaced that fuse. I don't remember which one it was, so just check all of them :D

dreddog47 said:
as said before, its just a simple re pinning. Use a straight pick and pop the tab on the spade from the input end and pull the wire out of the back. If you can't figure out how it goes I can go look at one of the 3 repinned TRS harnesses in my garage but its just reversing 2 wires. I think the middle and right side if your looking from the wire end.

Also, if you repin it and it still doesn't work, check ALL fuses related to the headlights. My friend actually popped a fuse on his 00 explorer after turning it on wired wrong and the high beams wouldn't work until we replaced that fuse. I don't remember which one it was, so just check all of them :D

Thanks dreddog47, still can't get the brights to come on just heads if you can look at you repinned one that would be great :) I have no blown fuses at all checked every one even ones that weren't related just in case

btw I looked at my car today and I swear the thing was smiling at me lol

as said before, its just a simple re pinning. Use a straight pick and pop the tab on the spade from the input end and pull the wire out of the back. If you can't figure out how it goes I can go look at one of the 3 repinned TRS harnesses in my garage but its just reversing 2 wires. I think the middle and right side if your looking from the wire end.

Also, if you repin it and it still doesn't work, check ALL fuses related to the headlights. My friend actually popped a fuse on his 00 explorer after turning it on wired wrong and the high beams wouldn't work until we replaced that fuse. I don't remember which one it was, so just check all of them :D

Thanks dreddog47, still can't get the brights to come on just heads if you can look at you repinned one that would be great :) I have no blown fuses at all checked every one even ones that weren't related just in case

btw I looked at my car today and I swear the thing was smiling at me lol

That would be my truck that he's talking about LMAO...I can't remember which one it was either but if you don't have any blown then that shouldn't be the problem...I'll check my 9007 connector tomorrow too and see what the wiring is

Ok so I think I figured out the bright switch but it turns off the headlights when I flick the brights. And I am having issues aligning my headlights they are just slightly too low but not by much (should be aimed at 33" and they are At about 31" and won't go higher)

Ok so I think I figured out the bright switch but it turns off the headlights when I flick the brights. And I am having issues aligning my headlights they are just slightly too low but not by much (should be aimed at 33" and they are At about 31" and won't go higher)

It sounds like it still might not be wired's how I have mine:


Sadly that's exactly how I have mine wired

I believe you need it wired as a 9004 bulb. Which would be (from L to R) Ground - low beam - high beam. Is this how you have it?


  • 9004vs9007bulb.jpg
    35.6 KB · Views: 215

I don't think that's right, second gen explorers use 9007 headlights and he needs it wired for 9007, and if he has it wired like the picture i posted, then it should already be correct. The morimoto kit comes from the factory wired for 9004, iirc.

I know you've done this, but check your fuses again, because what yours is doing is exactly how mine was behaving with the fuse blown, and the wiring exactly how it is in the picture...the one in mine that was blown was something that didn't seem like it was related to headlights or high beams (I really wish I could remember which one)

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I tested each fuse the other day do you think I should pull each one out just invade?
