fiberglass front fenders | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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fiberglass front fenders


Well-Known Member
December 4, 2008
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Who can make them who can get a set lets get this rolling

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I'd try to figure out who drives truck 3040

i'd try to figure out who drives truck 3040

some one said that they contacted him and would only sell the mold if that is the case i could buy the mold and have my shop make them for use not a problem

Yah I know who built that truck and made the fiberglass but hes not getting back to me about how much they want for the molds. I will try again and let you know.

yah i know who built that truck and made the fiberglass but hes not getting back to me about how much they want for the molds. I will try again and let you know.

great thanks a lot brother

Ill have those fenders by saturday im going to meet up with him and make a set of front and back for my truck

Ill have those fenders by saturday im going to meet up with him and make a set of front and back for my truck

daaaaaaaaaaamn, your ex is ganna be the toughest beast on here!

thank you i will post pic's as soon as i get them on most likely sunday

i got the glass and the molds

any one want a pair

hit me up

ill post pic's of my x asap

Lets see it and I will take a pair for free since I hooked them up, lol. Jk tho im going for more of a street look for my ex, I will eventually buy something else and build that.

300 for the front and 500 for the back

Lets see em

Im down for a set when i get the $$

...Just a heads up...You will need to talk with admin Rick in order to sell on here...;)

...Anxiously awaiting the pictures though...:popcorn:

got them in my paint booth waiting for them to dry then i will mount and take pictures
i did not have white paint so i just painted them black this is the first of many sets ill be making as well as throwing new ideas in to the fender mold.


rick>? please show me the way to sell on here

...This should be of some help...Good Luck..:biggthump

" If you are selling parts as a business please contact me first. "




Wow those things turned out good

I have the rear but have not had time to put on because of a full time job but they will be on and you will see that new lift on my truck with in a new weeks so get ready for dirt shots and 35's

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Looks good man.

Dont care for the hood scoop though, but to each his own.

Ive decided that the explorer is being retired to chase truck/town rig/ daily driver.

Im still down for a set of fronts when i get the cash though man. They came out good. All i want to do to my explorer is a lift, and bigger tires so i can amke it around in the desert with a trailer... Gunna make my own upper a arms so theres not as much stress on the balljoint.

Im building a 1450 Ranger thats gunna get all my $$ thrown at it..
