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01 sport - 4.0 SOHC STS turbo charged (Project complete)

4.0 SOHC turbo charger project

Guys - I'm done....well, almost (you know how that goes)

I've drove the truck around today very safely and all I can say is wow...I love this and I'm very glad I did it. I'll have to say I went thru a lot to get this far and lost a few buddies along the way. :(

I'm gonna try like heck to get you guys some videos soon but right now I need to chill cuss my wife is pissed. I've been working on this truck when I should be working on the house, but oh well. blah blah blah.

I've got the boost at around 5 LBS and that's where it's gonna stay until I can get the MAF, injectors, and fuel pump in. Oh yeah, I'm running the 73MM C&L housing and stock injectors and pump. Anyways, I'll be changing those out and tuning the thing out pretty soon - I can then take her to the track and see what happens.....

This is what I've been wanting for two years now so I'm a little excited that it's here now. Not trying to make a drama thread here but I'm happy to join James in the STS 4.0 SOHC circle. Now let me see if I can out run him? :p:

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No disrespect intended here.

Let's go back to the basics. Exhaust gases flow faster when hot and near the engine. When the gases travel down the exhaust they start to cool off resulting in a slower speed. This is why you can decrease the exhaust piping as you travel away from the engine.

Can we all agree on this?

If yes, then how can you tell me that a turbo mounted where the exhaust is fastest will not result in a better spool up that results in more usable power in the range of the engine?

Again, no disrespect here and I'm not saying you can't make good power with a turbo mounted way back. Yes, it has its advantages.

That's the theory I used I was probably just "over-thinking" it again like I've been told but I'm still a firm believer.

I'm sure we can look at the stock 4.0 STS mustang results, VS the stock 4.0 Powerhouse reslults and come to the same conclusion.

The items you mentioned do in fact play a factor in a turbochargers ability to make power and where at in the RPM band it does that. Since I have already established with my previous post about the lower IAT's resulting in more airmass per cubic foot of boost (aka more dense aircharge) from the remote mounts I will move onto the next item that no one thinks about when comparing conventional and remote mount. The name of the game to get a turbine spooling is not just pressure. It is pressure differential. The more pressure differential you have between the high pressure side of the turbine and the low pressure side the better spooling characteristics you will encounter. While a conventional turbo is mounted closer to the faster flowing exhaust it is also MUCH further away from the outlet of the exhaust pipe. As we all know it is better to have restriction on higher pressure sides versus lower pressure side so the conventional is not optimal here because the obstruction to flow is on the low pressure side. With a remote mount turbo it is usually MUCH closer to the outlet of the exhaust and thus will have a better pressure differential. This better differential will get the turbo spooling nicely and also allow it to make good top end power because the restriction is minimal.

Also another pseudo-myth is that since remote mount turbos have smaller turbine housing A/R's that they become restrictive to outflow in the upper RPM's. That would be the case if the only outlet for exhaust gas pressure was through the turbine housing. Of course we have a lovely wastegate which releases excess gasses to keep the turbo boost regulated. This also in turn will release enough exhaust gas so as to minimize the affects of the smaller remote mount turbine housing. After all, if you were encountering a situation where the remote mount turbine housing was a big enough restriction to exhaust gas outflow then you would see overboost happening where no matter what the wastegate did it could not relieve enough pressure to obtain equilibrium.

Equilibrium is exactly what needs to be thought of when designing and comparing turbine systems. In allot of ways turbo systems will inherently maintain their own equilibrium in an abstract way.

I have to hand it to you - you always have a good answer for most things. These are things I really didn't consider when doing this.

What I based my decision off was the dyno data on the STS website VS some front mount turbos on the exact same car. You can find enough data to see why I mounted where I did.

Now if James made 400+ torque, then I wish I would have known this from the beginning.

James - I know you have your reasons for not posting dyno charts, but I have to ask you if you would consider this?

I'm waiting until I can actually put some throttle in it for the video clip. I've got the 42# injectors ordered so it shouldn't be too much longer.

Sorry Jake, I am wierd about my dyno charts! Kinda like the bike racers at the track not displaying thier time. My truck was dynoed at 3am! Needless to say only they dyno operator (where I tune) and I were the only ones present. Strict instructions to him were not to release any information (dyno charts). He has been asked locally, but kindly refused! ;)

98 Turbo Explorer Sport

Hey all just doing an update the truck is still running great so far. Installed the sniper tune on it about 2 months a go its running great have to some more data logging to get it perfect. turbo has been on it since nov of 07.
hope to get some of my data logging this week end. :D

Hey all just doing an update the truck is still running great so far. Installed the sniper tune on it about 2 months a go its running great have to some more data logging to get it perfect. turbo has been on it since nov of 07.
hope to get some of my data logging this week end. :D

I don't recall your truck. Your sig says 92 and the post says 98. :confused:

I've got the injectors and I'm in the process of installing them. I should have the tune pretty close this weekend. After I think I'm done, I'm hoping that James will review some data for me just to make sure I don't blow anything up. $$$

Jakee, I'm assuming you upgraded the fuel pump, what fuel pump did you end up going with?

I used the WALBRO GSS342 pump. I also have a brand new GT 40 pump sitting on my shelf. (Got a little confused on which one I actually needed)

The injectors are in and now I need to tune cuss it's rich. The pump made the biggest difference in the fuel system, if you ask me, and I think that was the biggest weak link I had. So, if you have a shortage in money, buy the pump first.

Regardless of the pump size the injectors will only flow thier mechanical limit. But yes you are right, the pump is very important.-j

I have a tank now, slightly dented with pump for $40. I need to try to beat it out and install my GSS342. Match anyone,

Yes, I didn't mean you wouldn't need injectors but just saying the pump really made a difference that I could see with the wideband. I had just the pump on for awhile but didn't get in it real hard.

I just did something very stupid. I pulled the STS pump fuse when uploading a tune, then forgot to put the fuse back in. Started it up and drove down the road and noticed the smoke coming out the tailpipe. I don't think anythng was damaged but i'm adding the oil pressure warning light next and I'm not taking the fuse out again during a tune update.

Yes, I didn't mean you wouldn't need injectors but just saying the pump really made a difference that I could see with the wideband. I had just the pump on for awhile but didn't get in it real hard.

I just did something very stupid. I pulled the STS pump fuse when uploading a tune, then forgot to put the fuse back in. Started it up and drove down the road and noticed the smoke coming out the tailpipe. I don't think anythng was damaged but i'm adding the oil pressure warning light next and I'm not taking the fuse out again during a tune update.

I always keep the pump running when retuning. It doesn't draw that much power. Your EEC-V should flash fast enough where you aren't anywhere close to worrying about battery drain.

Go to Radio Shack and get a little piezo buzzer for a few bucks. It is annoying as hell if/when it goes off. It will sure as heck let you know if pressure is too high between turbo and pump.

I'm doing some datalogs for James. I need his experience so I don't blow this thing up. I tried tuning, and I learned alot, but there's no point in me spending more hours on this and not knowing for sure that everything is okay.

I did manage to get this far...


Good grief! I'd love to have that set up... congrats on a heck of a project well done!

thanks Donner.

I usually get 50 views to every 1 reply. I wish I had more feedback in this section.

It's the title... It's a bit intimidating, as is the project. I've peeked at the thread a couple times, but not understanding most of it, I can only relate to the beginning and the finished product... in other words, it's a project I could not take on, so I can't read the entire thread. But looking over it, you are extremely talented - that's not simple work.

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Not really. The only thing I can say is I'm the crazy one trying to take it on. I had some good help. Rocket5979 and hensonperformance along with a few buds locally helped me tremendously. I could never of done this by myself.
