15x10 Rim ?'s | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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15x10 Rim ?'s

I've been searching the archives for answers, and have not found what I need. After searching everywhere around here I found a place that has a set of Rims.

They are the only ones I have found. The bonus is I actually like the look of them. Kind of like the Centerline HellCats.

The Back spacing is 3.75 and they are 15x10's. I need to know is am I looking at trimming alot. I don't mind trimming some plastic but don't want to touch the metal.

I'm running a TT, 2"OME rear springs, Warrior Shackels, 3"PA Body Lift, the tires are 33"x12.5".

I'm not worried about them sticking out. (my guess 3.5" from the stock ones). I just don't want to be trimming the fenders. If I can trim on the inside it will be ok.

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Well I got tired of looking & Looking & Looking for some rims So I went back to the shop that had the 15x10's.

After some haggling of about a half hour, I got him down to 1,500 Riyals ($400). That is mounted, balanced, new Crome Lugs. He's had them for over a Year so I was able to talk him down almost half.

I test fit them and then said Ok I'll take them. Now they are mine & I'm committed......

Now I have a turning radius of a Bus. I took off some tupperware and realized that I have to cut the fenders. Now I stated removing some and desided to take it to a shop they will charge me $100 to trim them up, then let me take it, flex it, return it fix what needs to be trimmed more and then they will finish up cleaning and painting.

Now how much am I going to have to remove. I'm now committed to the rims they look awesome, and cant return them.

All help is needed & appreciated
Thanks Alto

Here's Trinity with the rims!

The Center caps say Millennium....
What ever that is worth. They look like the 33 Full Polish that 4wheelparts sell.


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Here's Trinity from front!

As you can see they're wider which I think looks awesome.


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So you think if I asked them to remove 1" I should be ok flexing and Baja.

Hind sight I should have waited and kept looking. Of course I've been looking for almost 2 years. This is the only set That looked Ok. Shipping new ones here would have cost over $400+. Thats just the shipping.

1" is what I cut on both sides, but I have 15x8 rims with 4" BS so they will move different... If you don't mind 1", start with that... it should be enough, but every Explorer seems to sit alittle different. That setup looks awsome by the way... :thumbsup:

I think I'll go for 1 1/2" if possible I don't want to be goning back and forth.

I think I found some Fender Flares that may work off a Nissan Patrol. (there pretty big over here).

I'll be dropping it off this week to get fixed. {resently I'm running the stock rims in the front & the 15x10's in the rear both in 33's.

I feel like I'm in High School again.

Now Trinity is going in to get here fenders trimed. What is the way I need to trim them.

This way ...


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or should the fender be trimed this way... I don't want to be returning back to the shop asking to fix where I crushed the fender while I was going Baja through the dunes.


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Still need some Ideas????

I started with the top picture, then figured out I didn't need to do that.:( Then I trimmed like in the second picture and it work perfect... P.S. buy a can of spray foam and fill the open ends where you cut with it. I got so much mud in mine, that the edging below my doors fell off.:eek:
