35x12.5x15 but 15x8 or 15x10? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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35x12.5x15 but 15x8 or 15x10?

Alright i got a 97 sport. going TT/War153 with a 3" PA BL.

SVO told me about how sports can run a 35x12.5 with minor trimming using the this setup because of the sports bigger fenders...

now my question.

15x8= what back spacing? 4 or 3.75?

15x10= what spacing? 3.50? 3.75?

Im leaning towards 15x8... but i need to figure out what backspacing to run...

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I got a quick question....A guy has an ad on craigslists wanting to trade his new 35x12.5's for 33x12.5's because he took his body lift off his truck. Will I notice a big difference in power loss? I always thought it was mostly the width of the tire(more rolling resistance) Also, would I be breaking the IFS every month?

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If you have anything less than 4.56 gears, 35s are going to suck. People have used 35s on the IFS with no problems and some have blown stuff up more than once. It's up to you if you want to take the chance.

Yeah I don't know if it's worth the risk or not. I only drive light trails...She's got 160K on her now, stock 3:73's, transmission slips every now and then...but new 35's for no cost to me....hmmmmmmmm

Stolle-did u ever get the 35's installed? Had to do some trimming to fit 33's, you may have some serious trimming to do with 35's. I am running a 15x8.5 wheel.

tbar4-thanks for those links in your sig. Fantastic.


...No problem...I'm glad to see someone is making good use of them...:biggthump

will update tomorrow when i finish my body lift.


all i did was pop off the lower door jam rocker thing and it only slightly rubs on the inside in driveways...but a lil loving can fix that :)


That is incredible, fantastic!!! Was all happy when I put on 33's and now not so happy....


ik. im amazed myself...i had my doubts when they showed up from UPS (the tires lol)

but a lil faith...and they fit perfect...

i even wheeled a lil bit tonight and flexed out the rear....only rubs a lil bit....its amazing....


That is incredible, fantastic!!! Was all happy when I put on 33's and now not so happy....


just noticed...u need the 3" BL to fit them...2" wont cut it :(


I know u have a 3" bodylift, I am still surprised the tires fit. I had to do some fender cutting to make the 33's fit. I cannot tell from the picture but did you have to remove the black plastic corner molding from behind the front tires. Again, your truck looks awesome--more pics would be great!!! Nice Job!!!

yea. i did. rather then mangle that peice i just popped it off...my truck isnt for looks :)

and yea i just had to do some inner fender trimming and beat/cut a slot to bend just a smidgein' of the inner fender itself...

sports have bigger front fenders then 4drs tho...thats why i can fit them...

Looks great!!! I have 35x12.50x15's on my ranger. I originally had 15x8's but went to 15x10's. When I changed up, the tires looked wider which I liked better. I see you already made your choice and once again, looks awesome!
