2003 Trans Fluid Change Issues, help needed! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2003 Trans Fluid Change Issues, help needed!


4x Explorer Veteran
April 8, 2002
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City, State
Johnstown, PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2015 Jeep
I drained the pan on my new XLT, dropped the pan, replaced the filter with one purchased at Autozone. I installed the new filter, put the pan back on and refilled the trans while running until the fluid came out of the fill hole.

Cycling through the gears the transmission would not engage even with extended idling. Forced another 2.5 quarts into the pan and plugged before it could run out allowed the gears to engage but it will slip when starting from a stand still. I drained the extra fluid out (quite warm) and the truck will once again not engage.

I haven't pulled the filter back out yet to see if there are any drastic differences but that is the only thing I can think that is wrong. This pickup isn't long enough to get into the fluid.

I hate these sealed transmissions!

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fluid keeps running out.

I don't understand why it would drain fluid if it needs more. It has cycled through all of the gears, comes up to temp but still needs more yet it runs out as if it is overfilled?

i have a 03 explorer awd trying 2 find the fill plug 4 the transmission. I have the trans on the floor would like 2 fill it before i reinstall it.

i have a 03 explorer awd trying 2 find the fill plug 4 the transmission. I have the trans on the floor would like 2 fill it before i reinstall it.

If 5R55W or S trans, fill through plugged hole right rear lower side portion of trans. just above oil pan lip. imp
