2007 Mercury Mountaineer deployable power running boards | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2007 Mercury Mountaineer deployable power running boards

If I remember right, If the wedge is out it will spin forever; that is a good sign that it is spinning freely. no broken gears then, with the wedge out hold the output shaft of the transmission (that is were the wedge came out of it is flat on one side) and try spinning the motor shaft see it if slips any teeth. if it is clicking, slipping, crunching, noise there is something broken inside.

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the wedge is in it and is tight where is the output shaft of the transmission?

the wedge is in it and is tight where is the output shaft of the transmission?

remove the wedge and hold the shaft comming out of the transmission, it has a flat spot on the shaft, then try spinning the motor shaft

Ok I have already done tht and it doesen't move when you spin the motor

Ok I have already done tht and it doesen't move when you spin the motor

prefect the transmission is fine then. reassemble and lay it by the truck and test, one extra thought can you try the wiring from the working side to test out or is the clip differnt

The motor runs and cuts off when it reaches limit switch open and close but just makes a grinding noise and does not move the board at all

if the motor shaft and the transmission shaft are tight to each other, the only other thing i can think of is to look in the motor cover and see if the magnets are broke off or there is a problem with the bearing in the motor cover? can you pull the motor shaft in and out of the transmission? do you see metal shaving? send some pictures to see what you are talking about? vipersinu2@yahoo.com
I will post them if you want

well the motor will spin but the transmission shaft will not move at all when you spin the motor with nthe wedge out

I will try to pull the motor shaft out of it later today Thanks for your help Larry


spin this by hand


and hold this, it should be firm and no slipping there should be resistance.

sorry if i missed this, but what kind of lubrication would you recommend for the job? My pass. side running board is exhibiting these symptoms and i'm gonna tackle this clean/lube job this weekend. thanks in advance for your help! and the awesome write-up

I completed all the steps listed above, works great, thanks for the post, however after re-installing the board now it comes out and goes up while driving down the road w/o the door being opened, also the majority of the time when you first close the door the board will go up then immediatley come back out and stay out, any ideas? thanks bob

I completed all the steps listed above, works great, thanks for the post, however after re-installing the board now it comes out and goes up while driving down the road w/o the door being opened, also the majority of the time when you first close the door the board will go up then immediatley come back out and stay out, any ideas? thanks bob

my driver side board did that also, try this,

take board off truck
remove the housing
spin the motor shaft untill board is completely closed
reinstall cap.

i took the cap off and tried this, now the running board stays up, will not come out when the door is open however when i close the door it comes out and immediatley goes back in?

i took the cap off and tried this, now the running board stays up, will not come out when the door is open however when i close the door it comes out and immediatley goes back in?

I have had the same problem
sounds like the cap is 180 dregrees out of alignment.

take cap off, spin board shut all the way, flip the cap around 180 dregrees and put on, good luck

Sorry to resurrect an old thread, but my '07 Mountaineer is having these same issue with the passenger side running board.

I followed the directions above, and they helped the issue, but it still isn't quiet right. When I first reattached the running board, and I opened the door, the running board fully deployed (something I hadn't been doing previously). Now, when I close the door, it starts to retract, but stops right away. The board is left is the fully deployed state. The board will retract if I give it some physical assistance (pushing it up with my foot or hands).

I have tried fully spinning the motor with the board closed, but that didn't seem to work. Any suggestions?

the pivot points are not lubed up enough try regreasing them and working in the grease, same thing happend to me.

mine is acting up,
got the motor off and plug it in and still just a short stroke.
gears are all fine as it will spin forever.
the curcuit board in mine looks different than yours

Opposite effect. Door opened and running board closes

Did a clean out and lube of the hinges with Teflon chain lube. Reassembled and the running board does the opposite of what it should. Open door = closed boards and closed door = open boards.

Tomorrow I am going to check the install of the cap (rotate180) and start with the board wound up.

Curious if I am the only wonder mechanic that has had this scenario? My wife was dying laughing. Brilliant.

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Is there a way to purchase just the wedge.

I went through the repair and when I tried to remove the wedge, it wasn't there an the bolt was missing as well. The motor activates and everything spins freely so all I need is the wedge and bolt to get this working again. Can you purchase just the wedge/bolt combo and if so where?
