2007 Mercury Mountaineer deployable power running boards | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2007 Mercury Mountaineer deployable power running boards

I have fixed my deployable power running board. Here is how

Step 1. Remove the running board from truck, 4 13mm nuts and 2 13mm bolts unplug wiring.

Step 2. Remove motor cover. 2 small torque screws.

Step 3. Spray lubricant behind the circuit board to lubricate transmission.

Step 4. On rear of the hinge there is an 8mm bolt remove it and knock out aluminum wedge. Remember which way it comes out. That wedge is a keyway that makes the board move with the motor shaft.

Step 5. With the wedge removed, spray all the moving joints with lubricant and work the hinges up and down, until everything moves freely. Working the lubricant into all the joints.

Step 6. Install wedge back into place; install motor cover back on to motor. ( Make sure that the rear bearing is aligned to accept the motor shaft. you might have to wiggle it back and forth to seat the cover. Plug in wiring harness and try it out, then install it back on truck.

Very simple and easy to fix. It probably will take you less that 1 hour. I will post pictures this week when I do the other side. The side that I repaired deploys up and down twice as the other side now.

i followed this procedure BUT I was unable to make the moving parts move freely by standing on the boards. I was able to make them move by spinning the motor. is there any chance my model of boards does not move freely even when the wedge is out?

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if i remember correctly when I removed the wedge, it disengaged the drive motor. send us a pic of what you have.

I have fixed my deployable power running board. Here is how

Step 1. Remove the running board from truck, 4 13mm nuts and 2 13mm bolts unplug wiring.

Step 2. Remove motor cover. 2 small torque screws.

Step 3. Spray lubricant behind the circuit board to lubricate transmission.

Step 4. On rear of the hinge there is an 8mm bolt remove it and knock out aluminum wedge. Remember which way it comes out. That wedge is a keyway that makes the board move with the motor shaft.

Step 5. With the wedge removed, spray all the moving joints with lubricant and work the hinges up and down, until everything moves freely. Working the lubricant into all the joints.

Step 6. Install wedge back into place; install motor cover back on to motor. ( Make sure that the rear bearing is aligned to accept the motor shaft. you might have to wiggle it back and forth to seat the cover. Plug in wiring harness and try it out, then install it back on truck.

Very simple and easy to fix. It probably will take you less that 1 hour. I will post pictures this week when I do the other side. The side that I repaired deploys up and down twice as the other side now.

Driver's side had been a bit slow on our 2008 Mountaineer, and even though I lubricated the hinges it finally stuck in the up position. Using this excellent procedure I was able to remove the assembly, but when I attempted to take off the motor cover, both torx-head screws just easily twisted apart. It may not matter, though, as when I looked inside the motor housing, the rear bearing is frozen, likely the problem all along. I tried squirting some oil and working the bearing, but it is excessively stiff. It doesn't seem to be replaceable, and now I am looking for the motor assembly itself. Is that available? The price for the entire running board unit is prohibitively expensive.

Same Issue, Will only move by spinning motor

I am having the same issue as the last guy. I am only able to move the motor side by spinning the shaft even after taking out the wedge. And this is after plenty of lube as well.

Same Issue

I know this is a pretty old original post but any help would be greatly appreciated. Also how much does the bearing effect things? I am having a hard time getting it to move FREELY.

Running board will not stay up

My driver's side running board raises but will not stay up. I assumed it had something to do with ice, etc but the passenger side has even more ice and operates without issue. I chipped away as much ice as I could but it didn't help.
