5spd Transmission rebuild....M5OD | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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5spd Transmission rebuild....M5OD


Explorer Addict
March 14, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Bremerton, WA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1992 Explorer XL

I made mention of this earlier, but I blew up the transmission on my Explorer a few weeks ago. I limped it home, and pushed it into the garage.

I will be making a Photo Diary of the Rebuild, as I couldn't find one ANYWHERE on the `net.....

But in the meantime, I thought I'd share with you some pics of some pieces that came out when I drained the fluid.

Here it goes:


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How did you manage to do that much carnage to the 5 speed?

Damn! How long do you think it will take for you to do the full write up? I'm gonna need to pull the trans to put in a new flywheel this summer or this fall and I'm dying to rebuild the trans myself.

I was hoping that somebody would do a rebuild diary on a manual. I've pulled out a manual on a Toyota Tercel station wagon many years ago to replace a clutch, but never opened one up. This should be interesting. Shouldn't this thread be in the transmission section? I think one way to start this rebuild diary would be to show a list of specialty tools, and pictures of what they look like. You could divide it into 2 parts. The first part would be the tear down, and the second part would be the rebuild. I'm sure that it would become a sticky. I was originally waiting for Rick to do a diary of his spare in his garage.

As for WHERE this post should go, I think it could be put in EITHER location...here, or in the Drivetrain Section....afterall this is a STOCK part, in a 1st Gen...getting a Stock re-build.

No HD parts for the 4.0L M5OD.....No upgraded Hard parts...NOTHING...

Only stock replacement parts...

I wonder if the parts can be cryogenically treated though....I wouldn't go to the expense of doing though....but I wonder if it would help any..

I will be doing a full pictorial, and write-up on the teardown, and build-up.

I have the Ford Manual on CD, and that will help ALOT, but I don't have any of the specialty tools req'd to tear this down (I REALLY only see 2 that will be needed). So I will ALSO do a write-up on BUILDING the tools needed to do this job.


How long does a rebuild take on a manual like this one? I've done automatics in about a week. Shops could do them faster, since they have more experience, and better tools. Does ATSG make a rebuild manual for this transmission like the one they make for automatics? Were there any differences in model years? Automatics had production changes every year.

Thx for Posting that BrooklynBay.

I have the same exploded diagram in my notes, and stuff.

What is REALLY helpful is having the Ford Technical Service Publication on my Explorer. It goes into GREAT detail on how to disassemble, and reassemble the transmission.

When Haynes & Chilton's makes their books, they take the Ford TSP, and condense it to a 'Readers Digest Version', or Cliffs Notes, if you may...

The CD was $10 + $3 for s/h, and it is BY FAR the bast $13 I have spent on this vehicle!

I might pull the trans today, and start disecting...


well...this thread got moved....oh well...

I got the tranny down, and out of the X. Here is a few pics of what I've found:

What you are seeing is the Reverse Idler Gear, that has the MOST damage, the Reverse Gear on the Output shaft, with the 2nd most damage, and the Reverse Gear on the Counter Shaft, which only has a FEW teeth missing.......this would all explain why I have no Reverse! LOL



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Okay....so me and the wife drove all over town looking for a gear/bearing puller that had 10" of reach.....NO SUCH LUCK.

So we came back home, and I brainstormed for about an hour...looked over, saw my worklamp Tripod...I noticed the legs had these thin metal 'strap' looking things that might work....NOPE...they were just a bit too short.....then I looked at my other LARGER dual worklamp Tripod, EXACT same design, only longer....So the Tripod temporarily sacrificed 2 of it's 3 leg 'straps' to my cause:


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Once I knew I had the REACH I needed, now I had to modify/shave the ends of the jaws to clear the gear below....careful not to take TOO Much away, as I don't want to hinder the performance of the jaws:


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And all that was left to do, was to pull the bearing.....SUCCESS...it worked!


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Awesome idea on the puller. Is there one available instead of having to make one(online, dealer, etc)? When I do mine, I'd like to just purchase one at pull a part ($43.09 isn't too high of a price to try a rebuild on :D), fully rebuild it, install it in mine to make sure everything goes good, then rebuild the one I have in my truck now for ebay or a spare.


As for one readily available for purchase, I found a few on ebay that said 11", but they were also $35. plus some $17 in shipping.....forget THAT!

I would let some people BORROW this puller, just pay shipping to and from my home......

I've done this in the past with a cam degree kit, with great success.


Well, last night I started e-mailing a few companies about how much this thing is going to cost me:

m5r1-149 mainshaft nut $12.00
m5r1-167 countershaft nut $ 9.33
m5r1-36 rev gear/non updated $96.13
m5r1-37 mainshaft rev gear $120.00
m5r1-10 rev idler gear $93.33
they make a rev gear update kit . it comes with the gear,slider, syncro ring
rk-m5r1a rev update kit $149.33

Currently, I have the 36 tooth 5th/Reverse Gear/Slider/Synchros. From 1988 to sometime in 1992, this was the design. The PROBLEM with this design is the teeth are just a BIT too small, leading to easy damage, or even breakage. In 1992 they updated this to a 30 tooth design, which made the teeth a bit larger, thus making them stronger...the EXACT OPPOSITE line of thinking in Axle Strenght (31 splines are stronger than 28 spline).

I have inspected the bearings, and they are PERFECT. No damage noted so far in the rest of the trans. So it looks like I'm just going to re-build the back half of the trans.


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I've got a 5 speed in my shed that needs a rebuild. I'll definatlely be keeping an eye on this thread. :thumbsup:
