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another lift and tire questions


Well-Known Member
November 26, 2006
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City, State
Decatur, Illinois
Year, Model & Trim Level
00 Sport
ok i have a tt/shackle lift and I'm going to do a 3" BL. I know this is a common lift for most 2nd gen Ex's. But what I want to know is if anyone has put 35's on after this. I know 33's will fit, and I'm ok with trimming my fenders. I don't want to cut like half my fenders off to make the 35's fit, but if I can get away with 35's and a little trimming it would be waaaaaay cooler than 33's. if anyone has any pics of a tt/shackle and 3"BL with 35's please post 'em. And if anyone has a Sport with this I'd really like to see that.

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My sport trac fenders are basically the same as your sport. I had to trim a bit to fit 33x12.50's on 15x8's with a 3" body lift. The contact point is the back end of the fender when your turning.

My sport trac fenders are basically the same as your sport. I had to trim a bit to fit 33x12.50's on 15x8's with a 3" body lift. The contact point is the back end of the fender when your turning.

do you have a tt/shackle lift also

bump...any one have 35's with just a tt/shackle lift and BL

i don't know how well they'll fit. but it looks like it's been done with a 2" body and tt's along with some trimming. i've got some 35's in my garage. was ging to test fit them after my bodylift install. but that's later this year.

i don't know how well they'll fit. but it looks like it's been done with a 2" body and tt's along with some trimming. i've got some 35's in my garage. was ging to test fit them after my bodylift install. but that's later this year.

one of my buddies has some 35's on a 4.5 bolt pattern. I should convince him to let me test them on my truck after I eventually do my BL. or maybe I should see if I can force them in there now just for fun

There is a difference between properly fitting tires and stuffing the biggest tire under there. Just because you can bolt them on doesn't mean they "fit". My 33's will still rub if I turn the wheel one revolution either way and completely compress one side or the other. I still need to trim more.
You could probably cut enough to run 35's on the street if you were careful, but what's the point if you can't take it offroad without it rubbing like crazy and cutting the tires up?

what if you threw on spacers?

do you mean wheel spacers or spring spacers? i'd prefer not to use either one honestly.

i've read threw the first one before that's how i knew the 33's would fit.

and i'm really starting to lean towards getting 15x10 in rims.

Wheel spacers and wider rims will make the rubbing worse. The typical point of contact in the front is the back of the wheel well by your feet. A wider wheel that stick out further will cause the tire to move front and back more inside the wheel well when you turn. Since the balljoints are the pivot point, anything that sticks out past them moves forward and back when you turn. The further out, the more it moves, you catch my drift?

yeah I understand everything moves past the balljoints. but 12.50 tires would wear better on 10 wide rims and not squeeze the bead of the tire in so much. i figured that I would have to trim my front fenders on the back of them like most people do on here. but your saying i'll hit further into the wheel well also?

Yeah, I don't know how much more, may not be a lot.
I'm just saying to keep it in mind, maybe get a shop to test fit a wheel and tire before you commit to it.
The tire would wear better on a 10" wheel, but it's not all that bad on an 8" wheel either. Plus it's generally safer to airdown on an 8" wheel because the sidewalls will stay seated in there better.
It's largely still a preference thing. But like I said, see if they'll test fit something for you just to see what it's like.

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