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Minumum gears + lift for 35's


February 28, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
palm bay
Year, Model & Trim Level
'98 XL
I am wanting to do a lift to either accomadate 33's or go all out and do 35's.

I think I got what I would need to fit 33's with no rub. 3'' TT, AAL, Shackles, 3'' BL.

But I am wondering exactly what I would need lift wise to fit 35's under my 4 door 2wd. I am thinking SOA, 3'' TT, 3'' spindle, AAL, + 2 0r 3'' BL. What do yall think?

Also what gears would be perfect for 33's and what gears would be perfect for 35's. Keep in mind this is a 98' OHV auto trans 4 door that is used for towing my 2 atv's on my 14' trailer every Sunday about 1 hour away. Mods are K&N drop in + 40 series flomaster muffler.

One more thing. What would the disadvantages be to goin with the 35's? Is it any more strain on my tranny even with correct gear ratio's? Will it wear out ball joints + brakes twice as fast as before? Hard to align? Thanks in advance.

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Sinse you are 2wd it is easier. You can do a 3 inch TT 3 body 3 spindles and then SOA in the rear with the eqivelent in lift and you will bne fine with 35's because that is 9 inches of lift. XPlorer kid did that and he has 37's and i think he trimmed a little. For gears you would want 4.56 for 33's or 35's 4.88 for 35's is wat alot of people are running.

How would it be while towing 3,500 pnds with 35's and the 4.88's ?

i am guessing not that bad you just need a big drop for your hitch because a stock x can pull 5000 you might want a transmission temp though just in case

If this helps, here's my 98 Sport with 3" spindles, TT (longer bolts), and SOA in the rear. But I've onmly got 31s for now... until I can re-gear AND get bigger tires.

OK, pic isn't working, but it's in my Photo Gallery on this site!

sorry to hijack.. I'm planning on adding lift and re-gearing in the spring. I am more than likely going to 35s, I would mostly be highway use as the UK doesn't really have much in the way of offroading stuff.

So, at 70mph, 35s, 4.0 SOHC, 5r55e, what would be best for me, 4.56 or 4.88? I don't tow.



You can’t hijack a thread from 2008!!

The difference between 4.56 and 4.88 is slight, I know I would prefer 4.88 with a 5 speed auto and 35’s 4.88 will keep you closer to the stock intended engine and trans powerband
With 35’s clearance and gearing is only one issue, keeping that 5r cool is the big one and the strain 35’s put on the front wheel bearings, ball joints and tie rod ends is the other….use good quality parts and keep up on Maintanence you will be fine

and a gauge to monitor the trans temp!! two good tube/fin coolers and a filter for re assurance is never a bad idea
I also protect my metal lines where the pass by headers, exhaust, try to keep the temps down even further
front and rear diffs get full synthetic
I would seriously consider a control trac delete if your rwd 97 has it! 1354 manual would be my case of choice here for simplicity and toughness

drive it with a light foot and have at it! You rwd guys can get away with a bit more of the skinny pedal then us 4x4 IFS gen II explorers.......with the dana 35 SLA IFS 35's + wheelspin + traction = breakage
RWD not so much

4:88s. Less load on the transmission, along with a more responsive pedal.

Getting a 1354 here in the UK is damn near impossible and the shifter would be in the passenger footwell 😂🤦‍♂️

I'll probably get 4.88s



Can do a 1354 electric shift t case from a ranger and delete the control trac using a 2002+ ranger 4wd control module

Geeze! That stinks
What 4 years?
