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Black MFT and No Radio


New Member
October 7, 2020
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2012 Explorer XLT
2012 Ford Explorer XLT

I had this issue for months now where the MFT screen is all black and there's no radio.
I already tried the negative battery pull and put back after 5-10 minutes. the radio would turn on for few seconds and die again but the MFT screen remains black.
I already had the dealer diagnoses the issue and the they said it requires a new ACM because when they did a pin point test the ACM is not responding.

Do you think the issue is really the ACM?
I'm starting to doubt the diagnosis because my initial guess was the APIM because the MFT screen is all black. If it's the ACM i think the screen should still work but no radio. Is it possible that the ACM is bad where it doesn't turn on the MFT?

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Welcome to the Forum. :)
I too would have thought it was the APIM. It is the 'brains' of the MFT system and without working you lose the ability to use several functions. I don't know if a faulty ACM would cause the same problem. Did they say if they tested the APIM?


Welcome to the Forum. :)
I too would have thought it was the APIM. It is the 'brains' of the MFT system and without working you lose the ability to use several functions. I don't know if a faulty ACM would cause the same problem. Did they say if they tested the APIM?


They didn't say if they tested the APIM.

If the ACM (the actual radio) was dead, it would not kill the MFT system. You would see "entertainment unavailable" in the radio section of MFT.

Thanks for clarifying that Jason.


This is the only thread MFT won't turn on? I found with similar issue and the radio control module was replaced.

The dealer already ordered the ACM, if they installed it and it didn't fix the issue. Do i still have to pay for it?

This is the only thread MFT won't turn on? I found with similar issue and the radio control module was replaced.

The dealer already ordered the ACM, if they installed it and it didn't fix the issue. Do i still have to pay for it?

That person didn't specify APIM or ACM, just radio module and often times people confuse the APIM for the radio which is not the case. I have a lot of experience with these systems. I find it very hard to the believe that the ACM would cause the APIM/Screen to be black. Does it spit out audio for about 30 seconds and then quit after the vehicle starts up?

That person didn't specify APIM or ACM, just radio module and often times people confuse the APIM for the radio which is not the case. I have a lot of experience with these systems. I find it very hard to the believe that the ACM would cause the APIM/Screen to be black. Does it spit out audio for about 30 seconds and then quit after the vehicle starts up?

It doesn't right now. But when I did a negative battery pull and back after about 10 minutes then start the vehicle it would spit out audio for less than a minute then stop. If I did a start again it will not spit any sound.

I bet your dealer is wrong and its the APIM. Kinda hope they are screwing up the terminology and actually replacing the APIM.

I bet your dealer is wrong and its the APIM. Kinda hope they are screwing up the terminology and actually replacing the APIM.

That's my thought too. I'll probably will just wait which part did they really order and if it didn't fix it then just not pay?

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