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Blueka's Elite Registry

Blueka's "Betty" Registry

I thought it was about time I put one up..

I've got a '97 4.0 SOHC UK spec Explorer..

I bought it in Dec 2005 and the next day all the timing slipped and wrecked one side of the engine!

It was off the road for 6 months while I saved up and found someone who knew how to fix it.

This is how it looked when I got it back:-


After driving it for a while I decided that I didn't like all the chrome on it so got some '99 spec bumpers for it.

I also changed to a slightly newer grille with a darker centre, thought it looked better than the old one.


I then decided I was bored of the rear end and did the '99 rear end swap.. although I managed to bend the rear hatch and it don't sit straight..


I'd also managed to source some leather seats with seperate headrests so that I could install some screens in them for the passengers in the back seats.


I then found an all black front grille and some tear drop alloys to replace the chrome 3 spokes..



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Been a hell of a week, so progress was minimal, but, installed the new RC shocks, got the new torsion dampers on, so hopefully the entire front should be done by the end of the month.


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Made some progress today, installed all new driveshafts, new lower ballpoint, and almost have the passenger side all finished. Held up by a seized brakeline fitting, and I also forgot to order a balljoint for the other side. So that should be here before next weekend. Front end is almost back together



I had high hopes of doing loads this weekend, but I've torn my rotator cuff again and can't move my right arm, so had to enlist the help of my nephew.
Managed to get the other side pretty much all bolted up. I'm probably going to have to make some new brake lines to enable me to fit new calipers etc.
I've also ordered new u-bolts for the rear diff. Also need to sort out some new tyres.


old v new

Had my nephew over again sunday to lend a hand as I'm still out of action and can't really do much.
Got most of the front end done, brake lines, I imagine, will probably need to be replaced, still need to do sway bar/links and front driveshaft aswell as fill the front diff. But for now, back on its wheels.


Got that Carolina lean lol

Had my nephew over to help again. Got the old springs and diff out, new stuff in, then had to stop because we ran out of daylight


More help from my nephew, can't thank him enough. Got the U-bolts shortened on Friday. They came from Barnes 4x4. Got the shock plates on that I got from @Brian1 All tightened up. Then installed a new diff cover and put new fluids in. Oh and removed old shocks.


Nice! Those arb covers were impossible to get during Covid, glad to see they are back!
