Blueka's "Pickle" Registry.... | Page 24 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Blueka's "Pickle" Registry....

Since 2005 when I bought "Betty", my UK Explorer, I've wanted a sport...

well, now that I live in Canada, the chance has presented itself for me to get one...

This one.... it's a 99 sport, 4.0 SOHC... it's a total write off for the moment... but when I saw the advert on Kijiji I couldn't say no. It needed some love and I wanted a project to get stuck into, so I did my research and found out how much parts are gonna cost me etc etc.

So. I present.. Pickle.. (cos it's green and in a right mess)

Explorer vin x.jpg
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Explorer vin E 1.jpg

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Well it looks like you have things coming along for you pretty well.

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Thanks, more reading to do... parts to gather...

I've decided on BDS suspension components, cos their warranty is amazing.

Need to get gears, too.. still undecided on 4.88s or 5.13s...


ok.. so... I still need

Ball joints
brake calipers

I also tested out that E4406 by plugging in a 4x4 GEM.. however, that GEM turned out to be faulty... and caused my speedo to go crazy.. also caused me to have several failed starts, so I swapped it back out for the AWD one..

Today, I was driving and it wouldn't shift up into O/D... had to push the button twice to get it to shift... :(

But on the plus side, I did get these a week ago...




And just for a giggle


If you have new wheels and tires you cannot sell. So quit contemplating it and keep the the only Canadian V8 4x4 sport.
Those look like 5x5.5 how will you be getting those on the x?

It is but I would consider his to be a street car. Where as Blueka's is built for offroad.

If you have new wheels and tires you cannot sell. So quit contemplating it and keep the the only Canadian V8 4x4 sport.
Those look like 5x5.5 how will you be getting those on the x?

I'll consider myself told off...

And as for them being 5x5.5, you're correct... and getting them to fit???

Well... that'll be this CLICKY


I wasn't meaning to sound like a jerk. I just cant see this thing go. And now that you have introduced me to another thread, it appears that I have some reading to do. Since you only have four what will you be carrying for a spare?

I'll get a spare before it rolls.. and I didn't think you sounded like a jerk dude, I was joking... (it's an English thing)

I'm hoping to have it all done before the end of August... hopefully...


Pickle will be turning into a 'roided out midget here soon.

it's going to be a little jacked up truck.. so at least I won't have to put up with small pecker comments... :D


no, but if it has a rough ride, we will have to say you have a bumpy pickle

haha... It's gonna look like one of those matchbox monster trucks when it's done...


Well, it's been a while since I've really done anything.. been busy with other things...

Anyway.... I picked up these a few months back,

6" BDS lift with dual shocks for a 79 Bronco

A manual 4406 with front driveshaft from a 4.6 F150, with the linkage and all the associated gubbins...

I also did a local show n shine with the mustang and Pickle, and while Pickle got lots of attention, the mustang picked up 4th place peoples choice award!! Pretty pleased with myself!!


got a few more parts sorted out... managed to get a full size 8.8 from an 88 F150 and I also have another explorer 8.8 with LSD so, I'm going to hybrid them and make a super-cool full sized 8.8... I also acquired some rear leafs from a 98 F150 4x4 to use in my rear pack to bump up my rear end a little bit

I also put my winter rims/tires on today... don't really like them that much, but they're only temporary...



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Just got my tranny swaped out today ,its up and bolted in but i still have to get all the exhaust back in hook up all the wiring ect., once I know all is working well I'll give the 4406E a shot, if it works out I'll do a thread,

Thanks buddy!! I've got the revised gas tank bracket aswell (under Pickle's twin, on the driveway) so, once I've got the SOA done, I can shove the tank back if need be...


I am back in business! My tranny swap seems to be a success, give me a week or two and I'll jump into the 4406e and see what I can come up with, I see you are gonna be busy with rear work for a while

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thanks bud!! I've got the flu right now... so I don't even feel like doing anything.. but, I'm gonna try n get these 2 axles apart over the weekend and see what's what!

