Bought a camper shell for the Trac today. Paint it or leave it alone? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Bought a camper shell for the Trac today. Paint it or leave it alone?

To paint or not to paint topper?

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Explorer Addict
March 6, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 Explorer Sport Trac
I came across this A.R.E. camper shell on CL so I figured I better jump on it since I've never found one for sale within 400 miles from Pittsburgh.

It's a blueish/green color now but I'm debating on painting it Satin Black like I did to the cladding and bumpers or just leave it alone.

I don't know how to set up a "Poll" so if someone knows how to do that let me know or set it up if you can.

Here's a picture of it on the Trac. I'll be replacing the rear tail lights with black ones just like the chrome set I have on now.


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Hah, figures. That color matches my Trac!

Paint and tint the windows

I say paint it too!

Paint it satin black. And put a big EF on the top in white paint :D

^^^^^^ What delexploder said.

Yes what Rondo said which delex said. Your truck is too good looking to have a diff color cap. Saw a black Sport Trac driving around with a white cap, I said to myself, I hope he got a good deal on it....

You now have a poll !:D:D

Yeah in the words of Micky Jagger: I see a blue top and I want to paint it black....

Paint it black for the love of God.

LOL. It's so easy to mess with you guys, I plan on painting it asap, just need to find the time.

i vote keep it the same. no reason but to change it up. everyone body matches or blacks it be the different one and go hillbilly on

You might be on to something dakotatrac. Hey rebel Ill get a black cap and we can be hillbilly buddies. Park our trucks outside, sit on the porch with a banjo and have a big jug passed back and forth lol

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A little off topic but re: porches and banjos, if Ned Beatty stops by and asks if you want to go canoeing, Just Say No!
