Bought a camper shell for the Trac today. Paint it or leave it alone? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Bought a camper shell for the Trac today. Paint it or leave it alone?

To paint or not to paint topper?

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paddle faster i hear banjos LMAO honestly i only voted no change cause i hate land slides

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You sure do have pretty mouth boy. Lol

i gonna quote a post you put rebel about a said cool aid and off tracs comment.

thats something you should never say to another man lol.

honestly vinyl is rather expensive since it is a plastic based product there fore its oil. as for an inexpensive but durable paint job i recommend pasti-dip or a bedliner style spray or roll your call

Or just Herculine it! it's black and durable!

watch out for getting it on your hootus though, I hear it's hard to get rid of....

You never saw Deliverance?? Lol

Or just Herculine it! it's black and durable!

watch out for getting it on your hootus though, I hear it's hard to get rid of....
That's just a classic ! !

You never saw Deliverance?? Lol

He's kidding. I looked up his address and it's the corner of Squeal like a pig & Ain't he got a purdy mouth !:D:D:D:D


Turdle, that's a goodd idea but where I go trailin'/ offroading it would get scrathed right off from all the trees, braches, etc...

I still have half a case of Satin Black Krylon Fusion spray paint and plenty of primer from when I did the bumpers and cladding. Hopefully next weekend if the weather is good and Carol doesn't have any plans for me I'll get to painting it.

I bought the Rancho 5000's yesterday and need to buy the new hub bearings in a minute online/ pick them up at the store tomorrow. Hopefully I can get the longer torsion bar bolts (lift the front back upto 2", it's negative 1" now), shocks, hubs and transmission filler neck tube installed on Sunday.

What kind of primer did you use on the cladding? Is there a fusion primer?

I just used the $1 primer from Walmart or Hardware store. Check out my thread about painting the cladding, I have a step-by-step how-to about it.

Lono, you should be more worried about "the hills have eyes" or "wrong turn" where you're from. LOL.
