Contemplating Getting Rid of the '98 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Contemplating Getting Rid of the '98


Explorer Addict
July 30, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Florence, KY
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 XLT 4WD 4.0L SOHC
Thinking of getting rid of my '98. Last 3 repairs I did to it, front right brake line, door boot wiring from the footwell, and even merely unplugging the parking brake switch connector, were painful. Think the parking brake switch connector was the straw that broke the camel's back. Normally it would have been very easy to do that, with nothing in the way.

I've had back/neck problems for a while now, which keep getting aggravated when I work under it or in funny positions, and so I'm not keeping up with my '98's needs, and it keeps rusting! :) Frame is intact but recently I noticed one of the cab-frame mounts disintegrated.

That was sort of the plan all along, subject the '98 to the worst of winter, saving my '14 from that because I know it won't last the same 25+ years of winters without a frame. It worked, the '14 is in great condition.

I buy parts for the '98, and they sit. Doing essential things to keep it running and safe, but the hole in my rear cargo area is still there (temporary plastic bag patch in place so I don't get water ingress or CO poisoning), the cat-back exhaust is still sitting in the corner of the garage, and new fog lamps, as well as leaf spring shackles and IDK how much longer I'd call the original shackles, "safe" since they're looking a bit crusty.

Heh, within the last ~5K miles, new tires, alternator, shocks, lower shock mount plates & U-bolts, hubs, calipers, brake hard and soft lines, and too many other little things to remember. Granted that's over a span of a few years but it seems like it is just a lot of effort to DIY for how few miles I'm putting on it, and cost prohibitive to have someone else do the work, and I never trust someone else doing the work anyway!

I sort of regret not getting it undercoated on a regular basis but that wouldn't have saved the exhaust. The hole in the cargo area, I can patch better without spending a lot of time under it. I ought to get both of those things done just to make it more sellable. Maybe I'll get one more winter out of it before moving on. The heat still works!


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I know the feeling of getting older. Just using a cordless drill for a few hours has my left arm in pain. I can't grip anything. Before that was the left side of my neck and left shoulder. My knees randomly give out.
It ain't worth the pain working on it. Get something else you'd enjoy driving.

@Josh P Are you left handed? That's what's wrong...Or right.

It sounds like you put a lot of work and care into it. Find a buyer that'll do the same.

Or you can repurpose it. My 91 is far from roadworthy. It's being used as a portable toolbox on my family's property. Chainsaw, air compressor, and bunch of other stuff driven where I need them.

@Josh P Just messing with you. I'm left handed and it is all the left joints going out first.
@J_C Forgive me from stepping on your thread. What is your asking price? Just curious.

I don't have an asking price, am still coming to terms with the idea since I've had it so long and have so much help here and from my own data accumulation over the years. The market for used vehicles is still crazy, there's a lot of recent work I put into it, yet there is the rust too. I'll probably, eventually if I do sell, start out asking $1500 because the new tires are worth at least 1/3 of that and it only has about 105K mi on it. If I have to fix the cargo hole and labor to DIY fix the exhaust instead of just handing over the parts (I have all parts normally needed), closer to $2k.

If you get rid of it JC that doesn't get you off the hook and let you leave this forum, you are a wealth of information and expertise, in the top 5...we can't lose you and we wont LET you leave! 😁🙃

Thinking of getting rid of my '98. Last 3 repairs I did to it, front right brake line, door boot wiring from the footwell, and even merely unplugging the parking brake switch connector, were painful. Think the parking brake switch connector was the straw that broke the camel's back. Normally it would have been very easy to do that, with nothing in the way.

I've had back/neck problems for a while now, which keep getting aggravated when I work under it or in funny positions, and so I'm not keeping up with my '98's needs, and it keeps rusting! :) Frame is intact but recently I noticed one of the cab-frame mounts disintegrated.

That was sort of the plan all along, subject the '98 to the worst of winter, saving my '14 from that because I know it won't last the same 25+ years of winters without a frame. It worked, the '14 is in great condition.

I buy parts for the '98, and they sit. Doing essential things to keep it running and safe, but the hole in my rear cargo area is still there (temporary plastic bag patch in place so I don't get water ingress or CO poisoning), the cat-back exhaust is still sitting in the corner of the garage, and new fog lamps, as well as leaf spring shackles and IDK how much longer I'd call the original shackles, "safe" since they're looking a bit crusty.

Heh, within the last ~5K miles, new tires, alternator, shocks, lower shock mount plates & U-bolts, hubs, calipers, brake hard and soft lines, and too many other little things to remember. Granted that's over a span of a few years but it seems like it is just a lot of effort to DIY for how few miles I'm putting on it, and cost prohibitive to have someone else do the work, and I never trust someone else doing the work anyway!

I sort of regret not getting it undercoated on a regular basis but that wouldn't have saved the exhaust. The hole in the cargo area, I can patch better without spending a lot of time under it. I ought to get both of those things done just to make it more sellable. Maybe I'll get one more winter out of it before moving on. The heat still works!

I know the feeling. I have a 2000 that I am thinking about getting rid of as well. The problem is, when I look for a used replacement vehicle that has the same capabilities, they just don't seem worth the price so I keep going back and repairing the 2000. What are you thinking about for a replacement vehicle?

Considering what new vehicles cost now and I would think that there would still be a little of a used car shortage going on, that's probably not a bad price. I was thinking $1000- for my wore out beater and it badly needs tires. It has over 200k, headliner shredded and the right-side body damage.
What kind of new parts might you have that would fit my '97 Merc Mountaineer "keeper" project? I haven't given up on getting @Lee's Automotive to buy one so that he has a beater to go with his good one. :cool:

^ I did use a lot of the parts I had, doing recent repairs, and the rest have a future on it unless I keep it till it goes to the junkyard instead, before they get put on. I mean surely the exhaust should come with it and the original fog light brackets rusted out so the new fog lights too, leaving spring shackels/bolts/bushing, rear rotors, and can't recall the rest at the moment. Nothing rare or particularly valuable once you consider how high shipping costs are these days.

I know the feeling. I have a 2000 that I am thinking about getting rid of as well. The problem is, when I look for a used replacement vehicle that has the same capabilities, they just don't seem worth the price so I keep going back and repairing the 2000. What are you thinking about for a replacement vehicle?

Yes that is how I've felt, and newer vehicles harder (except less rust which is something) and more expensive to repair, and would depreciate more than it costs to keep the '98 going.

Replacement vehicle is a tough one, hadn't really thought about it till now. I'd be driving the '14 Explorer in winter and to haul things, and go from there, maybe hold out till vehicle prices settle down more IF they ever do.

If you get rid of it JC that doesn't get you off the hook and let you leave this forum, you are a wealth of information and expertise, in the top 5...we can't lose you and we wont LET you leave! 😁🙃
Just post all 2nd gen issues in the 5th gen subforum. j/k :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:eek:
