Daughter Doesn't Know it Yet...... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Daughter Doesn't Know it Yet......


Elite Loser
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Elite Explorer
November 29, 2000
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City, State
San Diego, PRofK
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 XLT
but she just joined the Ford family. I just brought home her own 2010 Ranger Supercab XLT. They are getting hard to find as I spent the past month looking. Finally found one at a great deal that is super clean. 2.3Liter little engine, but it seems to pull pretty good. She has been asking for a little truck ever since the decision was made to get rid of the Volvo S-60 she usually drives (It needs a new cat, bushings, timing belt, struts, and is starting to burn oil; car is not worth the repair costs). She agreed to make partial payments to get a truck instead of whatever we wanted.


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...That's freaking awesome...:biggthump


Awesome! Congrats. ..she is a lucky girl. These are getting hard to find in good clean condition. 2.3 is perfect, that's what my first two trucks we're. Is it a stick or auto?

52,000 miles.
Did not come with a keyless remote, so I got to find one or two of those. I asked her if white would be okay for a truck, but she has no idea I went out and made a deal. 1.8% financing.
I have looked at around 30 of the Rangers. All were beat up POS's with crappy body work or touch up jobs. On one I looked at, the guy even tried to tell me that the radiator support was not replaced even though it was a different color!. This one looks like my dad owned it, old man truck clean!
Steve, you should buy the Volvo for parts!

52,000 miles.
Did not come with a keyless remote, so I got to find one or two of those. I asked her if white would be okay for a truck, but she has no idea I went out and made a deal. 1.8% financing.
I have looked at around 30 of the Rangers. All were beat up POS's with crappy body work or touch up jobs. On one I looked at, the guy even tried to tell me that the radiator support was not replaced even though it was a different color!. This one looks like my dad owned it, old man truck clean!
Steve, you should buy the Volvo for parts!

Don't need volvo parts. Sold ours 4 yrs ago. Bought the wife her '06 ex to replace.

Very cool...what a good dad you are:D

That'll be one happy young lady!

Don't kid her too much about wanting
a truck for a 'dude magnet'...:D

But...but...it's not 4WD!!! :dunno:

This is great:D Congratulations Sarah:chug:

But...but...it's not 4WD!!! :dunno:

Well, I thought about that, but then I thought that like everyone else who want to off-road; they should pay for their own 4x4. When the time is right, I am sure she will have a off-roader.

But...but...it's not 4WD!!! :dunno:

But an SAS can fix that and since this will be the 2nd SAS vehicle things will go smoother :)

Did not come with a keyless remote, so I got to find one or two of those
You can get them from Ebay and a seller called artiway is who I get my combo keys from (switchblade style key/remote). The issue is, you will need the dealer to program the first 2, at least that is what I was told.. We have 5+ keys/remotes so I don't have to worry about that.


But an SAS can fix that and since this will be the 2nd SAS vehicle things will go smoother :)

You can get them from Ebay and a seller called artiway is who I get my combo keys from (switchblade style key/remote). The issue is, you will need the dealer to program the first 2, at least that is what I was told.. We have 5+ keys/remotes so I don't have to worry about that.


Ordered one off ebay already. The seller is also trying to find me a couple of them for gratis. I know how to program them, its easy and I can do it myself. No SAS, its too clean, too long, too underpowered, for that. All other recommendations to make it an off-roader will be ignored.......:D

Every boy in the neighborhood will be wanting to get their hands on that...:D

Every boy in the neighborhood will be wanting to get their hands on that...:D

DUDE, really!!??? I hope you meant the truck, or you are down for a case of whopass;);););)

Just sold the Volvo in under an hour after posting it on CL. :thumbsup: Got 15 phone calls, emails, and texts within 15 minutes. Guess I should have asked for more, but I was honest with what was wrong with it, and priced it accordingly.

Last night when Sarah got home she says; "There is a Ranger like I want parked across the street." Then, I handed her the keys....I AM AWESOME!!

Haha...you know I did...:)

I sure hope you caught that moment on camera..:biggthump

We need a lil tear smiley..

Last night when Sarah got home she says; "There is a Ranger like I want parked across the street." Then, I handed her the keys....I AM AWESOME!!

I agree. You are awesome. Nicely done Mr. Kennedy, nicely done. :D:thumbsup:

Last night when Sarah got home she says; "There is a Ranger like I want parked across the street." Then, I handed her the keys....I AM AWESOME!!

:D :chug:

Very clean, lucky girl. Also nice to have a resident tech named Dad. ;)

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Well, I thought about that, but then I thought that like everyone else who want to off-road; they should pay for their own 4x4. When the time is right, I am sure she will have a off-roader.

She has Dad's rig to drive in the dirt. :)
