Detroit locker in front axle? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Detroit locker in front axle?


New Member
March 31, 2000
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I have a 91 XLT that is basically stock but it's ALMOST paid for. Now I can afford to do some modifications. Most of my four wheeling is in the desert around Mono Lake or Death Valley or the Anza Borrego. We also go to Pismo and run the dunes once in a while. Anyway, I'm almost always in four low when I'm in four wheel drive, and I rarely get over 20 mph. So for low and slow, I'm thinking a true locker like a Detroit locker would be fine in the front. I want as much traction as I get. Any thoughts?

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Most of us like the ARB in front. It allows you to go from 100% locked to 100% open. This makes your U-joints and axles live longer because you rarely need the front end locked. Only when it's engaged do you put that extra strain on the axles.

A full time locker such as the Detroit is much harder on front end components and it also makes steering MUCH more difficult whenever you are in four wheel drive.

A lot of people like the ARB in the front and the Detroit in the rear. This gives you the best of both worlds. The push button selection of the ARB in front and the rugged reliability and constant engagement of the Detroit in the rear.

Rick Horwitz

Hey guy just a few words on the topic. I know a guy who has a detroit in the front of his 3/4 ton puck up. and I would not break loose when he was turning it would drag the back end around on dry asphalt, It was the detroit C locker now I hear that the true track is the best for the front, well besides the ARB of course. If you can find one. I also here that lockers such as the lock rite or detriot ez locker are good for the front, if you can get used to the steering.I am probably giong to put a detriot gearless in the front of my 91 xlt and a aburn in the back. $315 bucks for the aburn from 4wheelparts wholesalers, My drivetrain guy says that it is a good deal.
hope this helps!

Robbie J 1991 XLT 4x4 4.0 4-door

Hey Gary,
Isn't Madera close to Fresno?
If so have you ever gone wheeling at Clear Creek? Do you ever go to Sequoia?

Happy Wheelin'
Ray L.
97 XLT 4X4 4.0L SOHC
Dead Link Removed

I am looking at putting a EZlocker in the front, and either an auburn LSD, or a truetrack in the back (I think it's the truetrack - I was thinking about the gear driven LSD).

The last quote I got for that was $1400, which included 4.56 gears! They also said add another $250 if it needs a bearing kit.

Now I'm still wondering what to do.. (sorry, but I consider a ARB too expensive at the moment..)

Thomas Davis
93 Mazda Navajo

ARB's are too expensive for me too. Besides, with the hubs disengaged and the transfer case in two wheel drive, which it is 99% of the time, there's nothing turning in the front anyway, so I don't think that excessive wear and tear on the front end would be much of a problem. I'm talking about very slow travel over some sandy, rocky trails.
Yep, Madera is next to Fresno. I mostly go up around Mammoth Pool and cruise the old logging roads. The few that the Forestry Service hasn't closed yet, that is.

Gary; I have the EZ locker in front with the factory L/S in back. I like it, but, the truck tends to "Push" in turns and the power steering runs hot (you'll need to install a cooler).

rocky; how long have you had the EZLocker?

That's almost the combination I'm thinking of (can't make up my mind)

The combo's I've come up:

ezlocker/auburn LSD
detroit/truetrack lsd (gear, no clutch)

can't make up my mind.. I thought about locker/locker, but decided no, since I still have to drive this beast during the week, every once in a while.


Thomas Davis
93 Mazda Navajo

I've had it in for about 2.5 yrs now. The installation of the locker provided the single biggest improvemnt in performance.
