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Differential Pinion Shaft Lock Bolt Explosion


June 6, 2008
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'99 XLT
Was planning a 302/5.0 swap into my '98 Ranger, but my "doner" ended up being a sweet '99 Explorer XLT with only 60K original miles. My conscience had its way with me and now I'm trying to make the X my daily driver. My first task was to fix those squishy brakes, but in trying to get at the rear caliper I (or some previous owner) stripped one of the wheel studs. OK, no problem...I'll remove the axle shaft, replace the stud and be on my way. Or not.

In my attempt to remove the differential pinion shaft (2WD, 8.8) I broke that pesky retainer screw...about 3/8 of an inch from the head. I read on the 4x4 forum that 80% of these differentials have this problem, so I assume some of you have some experience in getting that thing out. I'm not sure I can get a drill in there for a typical extraction, so I'm looking for some suggestions.

OK, I'm a noob so be gentle. I really tried to search for an answer.

Many thanks.

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I`m not sure what you can do now, -no way to get the wheel stud out/in another way? I guess you are disc so I`m not sure.

Here`s what he broke, everyone!


I wanna see how this is done... I have hard time getting a ratchet in thier on some, hard to picture a drill and a easy out

Never crossed my mind that this happens, I'll be using torches now if i find their going to break

Thanks a lot for the replies. Finally got that thing out.

I bought an easy-out ($3) and a set of short bits (for a Drummel, $6) at Home Depot. Luckily I was able to borrow a 90 degree drill adapter (Terry drill?) from a guy at work. I removed the bearing cap in the differential to give me a little extra room to fit the adapter in there. That, along with adjusting the pinion orientation, made it possible to get the drill in there. About an hour and two drill bits later I was able to get the easy-out in there. There were only about two threads left on the bolt, so it came out pretty easily.

A quick trip to the local Ford dealer to pick up a replacement bolt. The thing cost $2.69. Note to ford, make the thing out of A286 stainless and I'd gladly pay $12 for the pleasure of never having to do that again.

Thanks again. This forum rocks.

I got a specialty tool made for removing broken pinion shaft bolts in 5-15 min. I haven't tried it yet, (bought it for next time after screwing up a carrier bad). I read it works really well.

Googled Differential pinion shaft lock bolt extractor kit. Prices vary, but I found Differential Pinion Shaft Lock Bolt Extractor Deluxe Kit , online.
Got mine from a Snap-on rep who recommended it.

I agree with Id50, if you ever have to take this pin out be sure to replace it with a new one! This broken bolt can cause a lot of trouble!

Glad it all worked out for you.


I will be interested in seeing how the extractors work. Please keep us informed.

I have had at least 10 of these in my life. I was lucky enough on a couple in that they broke below the threads and I was able to finally extract the pin with a magnet that fits inside the case and wiggling things around. On all the others, I literally had to turn the case, and with a big hammer and punch, drive the cross shaft out with the pin in place. This takes some very serious hammering. It literally splits the case. You have to replace the case.

I got a specialty tool made for removing broken pinion shaft bolts in 5-15 min. I haven't tried it yet, (bought it for next time after screwing up a carrier bad). I read it works really well.

Googled Differential pinion shaft lock bolt extractor kit. Prices vary, but I found Differential Pinion Shaft Lock Bolt Extractor Deluxe Kit online.
Got mine from a Snap-on rep who recommended it.

I agree with Id50, if you ever have to take this pin out be sure to replace it with a new one! This broken bolt can cause a lot of trouble!

Glad it all worked out for you.


Saturday had the chance to use the kit on 97 2WD. I am impressed! 10 minutes later broken lock bolt removed, new one in ... simple. No damage to carrier. Just followed the instructions and done.

I even wrote the manufacturer! (OK, wife did b/c I was in a good mood)


You can bet your a$$ I'll have one of those kits soon! I can't wait to see how they work. I love it when I learn something new!

By the way, if you find a broken bolt, you really should be looking into replacing the cross shaft, AND the carrier. The motion on the shaft by the spiders has worn them enough to fatigue the bolt. Just replacing the bolt will give you the same problem down the road.

You can bet your a$$ I'll have one of those kits soon! I can't wait to see how they work. I love it when I learn something new!

By the way, if you find a broken bolt, you really should be looking into replacing the cross shaft, AND the carrier. The motion on the shaft by the spiders has worn them enough to fatigue the bolt. Just replacing the bolt will give you the same problem down the road.

This issue is a possibility if you ever have to remove axles to replace bearings or seals. Keep this in mind. If I needed the truck right away I would definately buy the kit beforehand if I was disturbing that bolt.

I had this happen on a crown vic, but I was able to somehow get out the bolt out.

You should really heat the carrier, lossens any loc-tite and generally makes the bolt easier to get out without breaking.

You should really heat the carrier, lossens any loc-tite and generally makes the bolt easier to get out without breaking.

The bolt more often than not is broken long before you go to remove it. The replacement bolt I got did come with loc-tite.

You should really heat the carrier, lossens any loc-tite and generally makes the bolt easier to get out without breaking.

Just not the case here. As Allen said...the bolt is broken long before removal. It fatigues and breaks due to motion and stress applied from the spider gears.

Broken locking bolt

I bought the extraction kit today and it worked great!! There was about a half of a thread left on the lodged piece so it was a little tough to remove. The square extractor that comes with the kit worked best in my situation.The long bit that comes with it flexed enough that slight off angle drilling was possible, just be sure to drill with slight pressure and at a very low rpm , as to not heat the bit up and break it. I had to tap the square extractor just a little to get it to seat and then screw it out very slowly.
Dont waste your time trying to get it out any other way!!

The differential pinion shaft lock bolt extractor kit was made by Fabbri Associates for decades, but the gal who ran the company passed away and they aren't making them anymore. SkywayTools.com has been selling them all this time - we were the first one that ever sold that on the internet, even before Fabbri sold them - so we began to produce them ourselves. Differential Pinion Shaft Lock Bolt Extractor Deluxe Kit
