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Do not order from glassworks unlimited!!

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yep driver called me yesterday.they will be here wed at 4.they will be on tomorrow. now just to see what condition they are in and if they are going to do anything like a shipping refund or some sort of credit back!!its been a month today and they have lied 3 times in writing about it being shipped

hell im still so passed over this hole thing i might sick my dog on you!!!! there be white so it will look the rest of my truck.i just got a real big gunmetal racing strip!!hood and tail gate done!!

wel got them wed and put them on the fit good just alot bigger than i imagined.they also came damaged but i kept them rather than mess with them again!!they also have not responded to my emails again and wont answer again!!here are more pics of them mounted in this thread



yep the least they should do is refund my shipping money and ill be happy.i understand things happen but they have done me very wrong!!!

atleast its fixable, but that really sucks. they need to give you something back for all the trouble and learn howto pack then on a pallet right to not get damaged. and of course respond to you

yep.they was just in a box and had bubble wrap around the middle of them.not the corners,not the whole thing,just around the middle!!!WTF:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

Thats pathetic that a company would do that.

I would be calling and raising hell about those knicks. Sure you can fix them, but you paid a good chunk for those things, they should be PERFECT.

I never really believed the hype you hear about UPS damaging packages until today. (Ive had 90% of everything ive ever ordered shipped VIA UPS, never once had a problem). Today I was out in the driveway polishing my rims, and heard a UPS truck pullup next door, I hear him literally drop/toss the package on theyre steps, knock and take off. They werent/still arent home, but im gonna walk over tonight and ask if it was damaged at all and tell them what I saw.

$140 for shipping and they cant even get here not damaged!!!o i have been calling and emailing them!!

Since you did pay with a bank card, if you dispute the charges you will get their attention. I think you can dispute it since you didn't get what you ordered, in the correct condition it.

ust document everything, including times/dates you call etc.


i checked and did pay with cried card but have all ready cancel payment.i got to call them back and tell them i did get the product

i checked and did pay with cried card but have all ready cancel payment.i got to call them back and tell them i did get the product

Tell them you got it, but the product was damaged and packaged improperly and that they have not been answering the phone or emails. Don't let the payment go through yet.


just an update..nothing was every done and they still ignore all calls and emails.i sent an email a couple weeks ago asking if they had ever email my request to the owners yet and they sent one back asking what the problem was and that this was the first email they have ever gotten from me.i then emailed them back with copies of all the emails and they now wont answer my emails or calls!! SO AGAIN DONT ORDER FROM THESE PEOPLE!!! i will bump this thread every couple months just to warn people about them.
