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April 22, 2002
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Salem, VA
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Am I in the wrong?

I ordered about $700.00 in parts from performance and the sales guy scott said that I would hav emy product by wed which was about 4 days from the day I ordered.

I was like ok but I have to have it all by that friday at the latest no matter what or I cant order. He says sure no problem.


Thursday rolls around and I call scott (the now rude sales guy from I tell him it did not come on wed and remember my deadline he says and I qoute! "I guarantee it will be there FRIDAY (in the morning by fedex)" I say are you sure 100% he says "YES" -

I proceed with my plans which consisted a day off from the office and setting my car lift up for a day of "shop" -

Friday (which is today) is here and no products so I call to ask the tracking info - SCOTT then says oh it will still be here today and he said he would call to check on the order from the "warehouse" he calls me back 2 hours later! ANd says bad news.... the order must have been put in late or something its not shipping till tuesday! WHAT! It will be about 20 day on tuesday (about) from when I ordered! I tell him that is not what he said and get in to an immature dialog with this guy SCOTT - he tells me that I (me) teh consumer has no recourse or control over the order. ANd if I try to cancel my oredr there is a 20% restocking fee ( in this case $140.00) for their mistake. I tell him I will just cancel my credut card payment and ship the merachandise back and he says I wont except it so "your screwed"..

At this point I am outraged! It sounded like someone then grabbed the phone from him and they did - & then ERIC is on the phone ( the sales manager) - he started out being a little nicer but soon started the "I am in control of you the consumer"

I ask him what kind of business are they running over there and ask him with warning that the following question was not real or should not be taken as a threat - (I say this to him) I say: would you be more willing to help me if 10,000 people called you and said that you should help me out better - He then says I am not helping you with nothing and he says maybe if I am lucky I will get my money back in a few weeks and he is canceling my order.

They were really rude, controling and insulting (in my opinion)

What would you guys to satisfy something like this happening to you? SHoudl I have someone call there for me like 10,000 people?


the message above is my personal opinion and has no profanity or violent threats to anyone. This is my view and my view alone and this website has nothing to do with my posts - you can email me you thoughts any time

Thanks for letting me vent :fire:

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Never seen that site, but it definately looks related to

I've ordered many times from without any problems and always exceptional customer service. I have had a few backorders through them though, but they never made me any promises until they knew 100% that the parts would arrive when promised. I'm sorry you've had a bad experience. Just for kicks, maybe try calling up and see if one of the nice people there can help you out if they're affiliated.

gotta remember sometimes there are things that are out of there control and getting mad at the sales guy usually gives you nothing good.

same place

same place! The problem is with the sales guy and manager they were supposed to be good people but treated me like I was in bed with their spouse!

Thanks for your reply!

I had a similar experience with National Tire and Wheel. However, like Matt said, getting angry with the sales person doesn't help at all. The sales person usually doesn't have the items in stock, and has to request it from another place (Straight from Superlift in my case) and need to have it shipped from there.

Sorry to hear that you had a bad experience...

but salespeople shouldn't be making promises they don't have the power to keep. If they are dependent on others being timely, just let the customers know.

Getting mad usually just makes it worse though. When I start to feel aggressive, I just ask to speak the salesperson's boss. Then just keep doing this until I get to someone who can makes things happen.

again -

I talked to the sales manager and like I said at first he was trying to help then it emerged in to a battle of customer service issues - I think the cunsumer is more important than the employee when it comes to retail merchandise. Again just my thoughts - I was promised and guaranteed over and over again - I was still nice to people just stern.


i used to be a sales person for a company called me...we took alot of crap from them in the morning....i got about 40 to 70 calls per day (depending on the day), and by the end of each day, i was so annoyed of whiners, jack-as's and such forth that i didnt give a flying rat..........another tip......when u call, have everything u wanna say in notes.....its annoying as hell to have people forget what their complaint was......or some crap like that.......have all ur order info in front of u too....helps smooth it out...but ya...the best tip i can say is call in the morning...before lunch time......



Thanks for the help RONIN - good tips -

If I remember correctly, you do not have to pay if it is on a credit card. You can call the credit card company to get more information but they did not deliver what they promised so you should not have to pay. Also, depending on what state your in etc.. you may be allowed to record a conversation. In Arizona (where I am) only 1 person has to know the call is being recorded. I've recorded a few conversations.. and If someone says something like.. you "might" get your money back in a few days.. because I'm canceling your order.." You can get their back against the wall with the credit card company and if they word things wrong,with the law also (I've had them threaten me with holding money etc.. that was a big no no)

I Call the Credit card company first. They will know what your rights are about disputing the charges since they didn't deliver what you bought.

Thats why they put erasers on pencils.
People make mistakes. I'm just glad I dont catch hell for my mistakes.

I had a problem with I ordered a Gibson catback and I asked the salesman many times if it would fit my explorer cause I have the SOHC and he said yes it would so I ordered it. The salesman sent it to me charging me $35 for shipping. When I received the exhaust I knew it wouldn't fit once I opened it cause it was a single inlet so I called the salesman again to return it and they said they were going to charge me 10% reboxing fee plus I had to pay for return shipping $35. So I was down about $90 because of their ignorance. I called my credit card company to dispute the charge and I was refunded by my credit card company. So my advice to you is call your credit card company to dispute it with those ignorant salemen at that f#@ken stupid company. Thats the last time I buy from them.:nono:

Originally posted by Bill Kemp
Thats why they put erasers on pencils.
People make mistakes. I'm just glad I dont catch hell for my mistakes.

Yes but when grown-ups make mistakes they should say they are sorry and try to satisfy the customer not act like street thugs on the phone.


The problem you had was actually Gibson's fault, not the vendor. Gibson didn't do enough research before designing their catback SOHC system and it doesn't fit most years. However, the website should have been considerate since they told you (as far as they knew) that it would fit. Just so you know.

Credit card companies are usually very good at getting your money back. When a big cc company says they're not gonna pay, it usually has a better impact than just a single person. :)

BTW, I see you're in Salem which is only about 45 minutes from here. What type mods are you doing?

Originally posted by yob_yeknom
Credit card companies are usually very good at getting your money back. When a big cc company says they're not gonna pay, it usually has a better impact than just a single person. :)

BTW, I see you're in Salem which is only about 45 minutes from here. What type mods are you doing?

Yeah I am in Salem and not to far from you. I am not going for an off-road Explr - I am strictly trying to build a street performace X - there are not many around here so I thought I would be one of the pioneer's in the area.

I am doing anything and everything possible to make the best street explorer I can.


i'd take it up with my credit card company.

maybe you can refuse delivery when that stuff comes, then you shouldn't have to pay for anything. [my opinion].

i've been on both sides of this fence, ultimately the customer rules.

it is your money.

a lot of times things happen that are out of the salespersons control, THAT is NO reason or excuse for them being PUNKS!

thanks for the heads up, it sounds like they are idiots!


Originally posted by Alec

The problem you had was actually Gibson's fault, not the vendor. Gibson didn't do enough research before designing their catback SOHC system and it doesn't fit most years. However, the website should have been considerate since they told you (as far as they knew) that it would fit. Just so you know.

I just got a dual inlet gibson cat-back it works fine - The point is the sales guys at the performace places should not answer questions they are not sure of ya know?

Like, if I did not specifically ask the sales guy is this the dual inlet exhaust system app... I might have gotten the wrong one - and someone who doesnt know to ask ends up loosing $$ and time - The performance shops should not send stuff out that s not for your car or truck - I mean general mistakes always welcome, but this stuff happens all the time everyday because sales guys want a fat commission check and could care less about the customer (and this is not for all sales guys, I am a "sales guy" --- just seems to be a lot in the performance industry that rush ya through.

Well - enough of that -

BTW I love my Gibson Exhaust -

And also 'Alec' thank you for your help with the Zex system idea and everything.

It was nice of y ou to take time out to help me

no problem modswap. I'm here to help.

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