Elessar65's new Project: SAS rebuild | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Elessar65's new Project: SAS rebuild


Elite Explorer
July 12, 2006
Reaction score
Land of Oz
City, State
Wichita, Ks
Year, Model & Trim Level
17 F150 EcoBoost 4x4
Ok, well maybe not a rebuild exactly, but I gots a lot of work ahead of me to get this thing trail ready for SMORR in July. This truck started its life as a 95, 4 cylinder, 2wd. The previous owner decided this wasn't enough (and rightly so). Its now a solid axle 4wd with a full width HP D44 up front and a 9" in the rear. Powered by a 351w V8, mated to a c6, with an np205 on the back of it. As I bought it the axles are geared 3.50 or so, so that needs to change. The 9" has a spool, which I hate. Needs shocks (the rear doesn't even have any t all). Engine could use a tune up, plugs, wires, distributor, etc. The carb could stand a little going over, although it runs pretty good. Needs some header gaskets, and the exhaust is unfinished. Some bushings, etc in the steering linkage need replaced. And before I can even drive it, it needs some tires (and shocks preferably). Ok, on to the good part, the pics. :D




Oh yeah, the interior could use a little tlc as well, haha. Yes, thats a hole in the floor in front of the B&M shifter.

Other than the fuel gauge, these are the only gauges I have, lol.

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Mmmmm, V8. Albeit a dirty, icky looking one. But that will change.

I can't wait to see what this thing will do eventually, let me know if you need help working on it sometime.

Good starting point. Hope to see it at SMORR

Tires and lockers/gears will be the biggest expenses. Although all the little stuff will add up fast i am thinking. Tentatively planning on 4.88s, and Detroits front and rear on 35s. Let me know if you have any tips, suggestions, comments, or criticisms. I'm kind of learning as i go here, lol.
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Slap this on there.


Holly projection unit.

Then slap this on.


RLC bumper.

Attach this to it.


Winch / compressor.

Then get these,


and put these on those,


Then rip out the old and install these,


Built for those with a little extra padding in the rear end :p:

While your at it, get this in the bed,


Im sure I will think of something else to add. Thanks for asking:D:thumbsup:

Haha, nice. If you're payin then I'm down. :D

nice ranger keep up good work

Pffft, what work? Thats the way I bought it, lol. Too bad I spent all my money on it. Now about all I do is stare at it while imagining having the money to actually do something worthwhile with it. Hahaha!

looks like it will be a sweet build all the hard stuff has been done already.

need an airbag?

Maybe? If it was an option in 95 then no, I can just get a Grant wheel, or some other brand. If it was standard, then yes, I will. To be legal anyways.

looks like it will be a sweet build all the hard stuff has been done already.

Yeah, especially since I can't fabricate my way out of a wet paper bag. This is a good starter/learning solid axle thing for me.

Well, I got my jy dash piece the other day, and I just ordered the gauges I need/want. Just waiting for all the pieces to get here, then I'll be building a custom instrument panel for the beast. Ended up going with Equus white faced gauges. Here's a pic of the tach:

The rest of the gauges match. The tach is 3 5/8", and I'll have 2" water temp, oil pressure, volts, and fuel level. Equus doesn't have a trans temp gauge that matches, so I am still looking around for one thats close, and doesn't cost a bundle.

Just some advice, because ive ran both- i wouldnt waste the money going from a spool to a detroit.

The reason you hate the spool so much is actually because there are no rear shocks. If you get some decent shocks on there, and if you're willing to run them outboarded, it will improve it 500%. Nothing against a detroit as they're friggin awesome, but the ratcheting around corners is just as harsh (but different) as having the spool.

Going from cheap angled shocks and a lockright, to outboarded upright shocks and a spool i can tell ya the spool is barely even noticable now. Any form of low speed corner lean and rear jerking is gone. Shocks are the key. :D

I was actually thinking about keeping the spool for now anyways. A Detroit isn't exactly cheap, lol. Its a mini spool now I believe, so I'll just go to a full spool when I do the gears. I have seen a few Jeeps that have outboarded rear shocks to have the room for longer ones without cutting into the tub. I think on the ones I have seen they cut the frame, and "french" the bracket/tower into it. Thats a little outside my skill set, but I'm not sure I would have to do that here. I don't really have the clearance issues that a Jeep does. I'll be down there doing some other work on the truck this weekend, I'll have to check it out and see about where I could mount the shocks. I haven't looked real close yet, thats still a few items down on the to-do list.

cant wait to see this in person and see how ya drive it:p:

cant wait to see this in person and see how ya drive it:p:

Haha, I will probably hit a lot of stuff, since this is a lot longer and wider than the X.

meh then let some one show ya how to do it.. you guys and your sports spssshhh. hahaha

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Well i got my dash and plastic for the panel, was gonna cut out some circles of paper to mock up some gauges and get going on this thing, but I don't own scissors, lol. Seriously, wtf? So if I remember tomorrow I will go to some arts and craftsy store and get some scissors, and a compass. I was gonna pretend to drive to see how I liked them, even promised IZwack I would make engine noises to give it some realism.
