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Explorer conversion


Well-Known Member
January 31, 2003
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City, State
Bristol, Tn
Year, Model & Trim Level
91 Navajo LX 4X4
My Navajo grille is worn, and broken on one side, along with the headlamp. Its very hard to find a Navajo grille, and headlight assy, and im considering doing the Ex conversion. Im thinking this should be farily easy. Im going to buy both headlamp assy's, clear coreners, and the billet grille. That should be all i need correct?? And any thoughts on the complexity??

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you might need a header panel

cool. Anyone else have any thoughts?

You will have one problem I believe.....

The turn signals are in the bumper on Navahos, and in the corners on Explorers.....the lights might have to be rigged to work....

Originally posted by Crankcase
You will have one problem I believe.....

The turn signals are in the bumper on Navahos, and in the corners on Explorers.....the lights might have to be rigged to work....

You do have a point, but shouldnt be hard to convert.

Does anyone else have an idea on this conversion?
