Navajo to Explorer conversion-**WORK LOG** | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Navajo to Explorer conversion-**WORK LOG**


Well-Known Member
January 31, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Bristol, Tn
Year, Model & Trim Level
91 Navajo LX 4X4
I'm starting this worklog to keep track of the conversion progress, in case there are any other Navajo owners that may want to attempt this. Shouldnt be too hard.

2/21/2004-Both the Headlight assemblies, including the turn signals and corners are on order from Here's what I ordered. Should be here by next week. Once I determine the best grille to go with, I will be ordering this also. I'm leaning towards the stock chrome grille. Hopefully I'll order this week.

Here is one of the first mods. Changing the badging. My old badging was getting scratched and beat to hell so I got these off ebay. Nothing major, I know, but its a start.



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looking good, no offense but why are you doing this?

My front Navajo grille is broken, the corner lamp is cracked and the front bumper is bent (all from a little fender bender). I have had no luck finding a reasonably priced, nice looking Mazda grille, nor bumper. Plus the headlight assemblies are getting yellowed. I have done my best to clean/sand them, etc and they are yellowed again after a month or so. And finding a new Mazda Navajo headlight assembly and corner is damn near impossible. Thus the reason for the switch. :)

makes perfect sense good luck with the transform!

ps i dig the explorajo!!

I appreciate it!! :)

And the word "explorajo" can go SOO many wrong ways, cant it?? Wish i could fit it on my plates. :)

Heh nice. I'm going the other way though. I just brought a navajo front clip and lights for my ex. I'll try to confuse people with my 4 door navajo :D :D

Now THATs gonna look sick man! When ya get it complete please, lets see some pics!


I want you to go rent a U haul trailer when you are done with the conversion, then once they hook up the trailer for you, you should show them the pictures of how you transformed your Ex into a Jo!!! SUCKERS!!!

Originally posted by 410Fortune

I want you to go rent a U haul trailer when you are done with the conversion, then once they hook up the trailer for you, you should show them the pictures of how you transformed your Ex into a Jo!!! SUCKERS!!!

Then try to sue saying that they sold you a trailer to a "sopposobly dangerous" tow vehicle :p :p :p :p :p

i knowtice your windshield wiper is a bi*ch just like mine. wth is wrong with going on your stupid track you dam windsheild wiper!!!!!!!!!:mad: i good now

So U-haul will rent a trailer to a Navajo but not an Explorer?

i think thats the deal. the navajo mountaneer and explorer are exactly the same but its all about the explorers flipping rep that is making them keep from accepting our buisness. i think they may have or may be stopping the acceptance of navajos and mountaieers but i really have no real clue of truth in that

Originally posted by general x
i knowtice your windshield wiper is a bi*ch just like mine. wth is wrong with going on your stupid track you dam windsheild wiper!!!!!!!!!:mad: i good now

You are EXACTLY correct. Ive seen about a million like that! Ill get it fixed one day. :)

that's silly!!! People that have Explorers convert to either Mountys or Navajos... people with Mountys and Navajos go the other way...
always looking for something new!!!

I like it though

NOw I want to see a cop pull you over.....

Oh, sir... seems that you have a Mazda registered with this license plate number... this is a Ford, right?


The headlight conversion will have to wait for a little while. It seems the place i ordered the headlight kit from, doesnt seem to want to ship it (after i have already paid). I am in the process of filing a fraud case with my bank.

BUT!! I did get this, and should have it installed nect week.



Got it from ebay for $41. Includes the temp sensor, mounting plate, and wiring diagram. It also includes the power sunroof motor, which i do not need, so if anyone wants it its yours, CHEAP!

an easy way to fix the rear wiper sag/not goin into holder dilema is to take the wiper arm off the pivot, and just move it down 2-5 positons, or "teeth". then the wiper will set well in the holder. thats what i did to mine. also tensioned the wiper spring so the blade presses up against the window better. mine works like new now :D

the prob with mine is that the slider gets cault on the bottom of the rail that catchs it when it retracts. making the wiper push against the window wouldnt help and im not sure about the setting on the wiper spindle making any parents have an expedion and its rear window wiper retracts much better.

sounds like the wiper spring is worn out. its the spring that is inside thw wiper arm. try this: when standing behind the wiper arm, pull it towards you. if there is little resistence when pulling it towards you, then the sping is most likely worn out. just trying to help. and make sure you post lots of pics of the conversion!

Cool, good info! Thanks!

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i guess we lost another one...
