Navajo to Explorer conversion-**WORK LOG** | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Navajo to Explorer conversion-**WORK LOG**

Originally posted by Peter
i guess we lost another one...

Well if these idiots that I bought the front end stuff with dont deliver it soon, you may not be loosing anything. These guys are truly idiots.

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thats it! take one for the team...

Look what finally came in today??

Got both sides, too! Its unbelieveable this company didnt screw anything else up! Now I only have to decide on which grille to put on, and install everything.

NOTE: The assembly is just thrown together in that pic, and the plastic is still on. It really looks good correctly fastened.

There was no mounting hardware in the box. Anybody have an idea as to how this fastens, as well as nut/bolt size I will need??? I probably wont be installing these till this weekend.

OK, installed the light assembiles today. Wasnt as easy as I thought it would be, and these aftermarket parts dont fit together as well as OEM parts do either. But I got most everything installed now just waiting on a grill. Here are a few pics:

Removing the old Mazda grill and backplate.


Test fitting the new light assemblies (Yes the are crooked there..i was just test fitting)


Heres the installed product. The little filler plate between the lights and bumper is bent a little due to a knot in the bumper. This causes drivers side light to be a little crooked. I have since bent the filler back and the assembly is not as crooked. Once the bumper is replaced (in 3 weeks) the light assemblies will be perfectly aligned.


And one more shot with the lights on. One thing is for sure...the headlights work a whole lot better with new lenses!


kinda looks like a dodge without the grill. lookin good thou. welcome to the ranks of us explorers

I installed this today. WHAT A PITA!!! I have a 91, and as you know it is not provisioned for an overhead console, so I had to do some sheetmetal cutting. There are now sheetmetal shavings all over the inside!! I ran out of daylight, so Ill go sweep it out tomorrow. Anyways. Heres a pic of the finished product.


thats awesome. what all did you need for that install? what vehicle did you get it from? could yo do a write up of this, as i have a 92. thanks man

Thanks man! It was actually not too bad, the worst part was cutting into the sheetmetal. Heres a brief rundown.
I got the console and temp sensor from a 96 Explorer, off ebay for $41. I then made a cardboard template a little smaller than the console, and traced it onto the headliner. I then took a sharp knife and cut the headliner, exposing the inner roof. Heres where it became a pain. I eyeballed the mounting braket to make sure it was lined up between the visors evenly, marked the slots and drill holes and went to work! The mounting plate is held to the roof by 2 screws and the console is attached to the mounting bracket by 2 plastic "fingers" with push clips on the ends. The "fingers" are pretty deep so you have to cut into a sheetmetal support bar on the interior roof, to allow for the depth. I took a small drillbit to drill the pilot hole. Then went to a 1/2". I then reemed the hole out more, and took some metal shears to make it larger and rectangular. This was the most time consuming and difficult part of the whole project. Im sure there is easier ways of doing this, but I was working with what I had. After that I installed the temp sensor in front of the radiator and ran the wires through the cab via a grommet in the firewall. I then ran all the power, ground and dimmer wires under the headliner and down the drivers side a-pillar. I got my constant/switched power, ground and dimmer leads from my car stereo harness. This method is the easiest and also provides a fused connection for the console should something go wrong. I then tested everything, took the metal clips off the "fingers" so i could do a test fit without it being premanantly installed. All looked good, so I pulled it back down, reattached the clips, prayed and pushed it up. The rest is history. Now I must tell you that because the roof is not provisioned for this console it does sit a little lower in the front than a 93+ but it is barely noticible. Theres also a similar writeup with wiring diagram and calibrating instructions here, but for a 93+.
Theres tons of consoles on ebay right now, and if you have any questions or need any help i'd be glad to assist!

Im 95% done now!! Here are a few pics of the Explo front end installed. I just have it temporarily installed in these pics, while im workin out all the fitting bugs before the final boltdown. Now all I have left is the blue Ford oval on the grille and a new front bumper!! Im pretty happy!








Waddya think??

No. Im gonna leave the grey Mazda ones on there until i can order my Mickey Thompson Classic II's.

Hey what are you going to do with the old mazda bumper? My project of an explorer to navajo conversion has been postponed dued to lousy weather. All i need now is a bumper :cool:

Its yours if you want it. Its got a knot in it, though. Look closely in the pic, its to the right side.

I pmed you.

Reply sent.

dude, that is tight. good job. but why does only your pass. side have a 4x4 decal?

Looks Great!!!!!!! are you going to in the future swap the rims and tires? Like the grill work< cant tell a diff at all!! Good work!:D

jgilbs said:
dude, that is tight. good job. but why does only your pass. side have a 4x4 decal?
Thanks! And both sides have the 4X4 decal.

dtl 2k2 sport said:
Looks Great!!!!!!! are you going to in the future swap the rims and tires? Like the grill work< cant tell a diff at all!! Good work!:D

Thanks for the compliment!! I am going to leave the Mazda rims on until I get my Mickey Thompson Classic II's. I like the silver color matched Mazda rims better than the Explorer rims, on my truck anyways. I should have my MT's in about a month. The tires are 31's and relatively new, so hopefully I wont need to change anytime soon. I was hesitant at first of buying Cooper but they are a GREAT riding tire and have AWESOME wet traction.

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Looks nice, but what's the story on the lime green Cougar (67-68) in the back ground?
