ExplorerForum AZ run March 23 2008 | Page 5 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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ExplorerForum AZ run March 23 2008

My grandmother's was March 18th... Ours on the same date, theirs within a day... dang what a coincidence!

It was meant to beee:D

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I am new to this site would like to join you guys at the next run in Az.

I am new to this site would like to join you guys at the next run in Az.

It would be good to get another local guy out. You're more than welcome to join up.

How's your truck set up?

Well i was def in since now i have a 4wd fx4 ranger and i have already broke it in off road and high centered on a big rock that was fun thank god a jeep with 35s came along and tugged me off.....like i said i was i found out last week i am going to be going to iraq now so :( ill have to miss out on the run i leave the 5th of march but maybe if there is a run sometime sooner ill def be in i need to get another trip in before i go to the desert ill be back sometime in end of april and begining of may if i dont extend

we should probably put some trails together for this Rick. Eeeek, I hope my truck is road worthy...Feb is a short month!

I know Crown King was mentioned and that's a full day. Any suggestions for a second day? Since I haven't been getting out much, I haven't found any new trails.

Should we just plan on one day then??

Hmm, maybe raw deal or terminator for Sunday morning riun, or maybe something that brings a little less body damage. I've been known to cover 2 miles in 6 hours on that trail.

LOL, you can never tell with those trails. Terminator changes all the time and if it's wet:eek:

Are people going to be camping? Staying at hotels?

Well if anyone wants to know what we're talking about, here is terminator.

I really made this trail difficult on myself after twisting up my drive shaft. I don't think it should be all that bad.


For sure some hubs will get launched though for the guys running lockers in their Dana35s. I know I did pre-sas, so did Msupertek on our '03 run.

WOW looks like someone heated it up and twisted it around. Give new meaning to the word pretzel :p:

haha wow! only you could manage something as dizar looking as that, danny.

looks like a fun trail. but i'll be stuck after i go through both spare hubs haha

I just talked with Dan. We decided that since there are so few signed up for this run we would just do one day. We'll shoot for an Easter Sunday run up to Crown King.


well hey rick you can put me back on the list to go but im not sure on what all my truck will be able to handle maybe you all can give me an idea.....

2005 FX4 Ranger Stock Suspension 325/75 BFG Mud terrrains

actually going to be droping it off at the dealer ship this week as it wont go into 4wd lo like it is supposed to.

Picked the truck back up from the dealership the next day and evidentally i wasnt following the proper order to put it 4wd lo so everything is golden with the truck now and ill def be showing up wether it is a two day or one...ill be watching and waiting

Plan on having cb, highlift, by the time we go and the metal needed to make bumbers...came from All Jacked up today and evidentally no one makes bumbers for the 05 rangers yet so....any ideas where i can pick up steel at in phoenix....Rick???

I'm a big fan of the place on 48th and Broadway, it used to be capital metals but the name changed, I know there is a Praxair in the same building. What type of a bumper are you looking to build? I would speak with John at Hunteroffroad.com to custom build you one, his work is good, prices are too.

I spoke with Rick on the phone last night, he's still in for Crown King if everything else he has going on doesn't interrupt. That run would be on Easter Sunday for those interested.

It will be a pretty full day, and we will take Hwy 17 back down to the staging area. I think I've seen stock trucks on there, but I've seen trucks with body damage from that trail before as well. I think we could get any 4x4 or capable 2wd up the trail with support. Probably not a '06 with all the plastic if you get my point.

So, the fun partAttendees

Dannyboy + 1 truck maybe
Rick (maybe)

Please let me know if you can make it ( you can PM me). All are welcome, we may have extra seats too. I will put all the info on post 1. I hope I'm not leaving anyone out, let me know and i'll add you.

All Jacked up today and evidentally no one makes bumbers for the 05 rangers yet so....any ideas where i can pick up steel at in phoenix....Rick???

I'm pretty sure FST would sell you steel. Call them at 602-484-7616.

Yea danny im sorta just looking to make a bumber to house a nice winch and put some kc lights or something of that order on...gunna try to keep it pretty slime and slinder not too bulk as i dont want to weigh down the front of the truck too bad and then i am going to be doing the same in the back enough to possible thinking...keyword POSSIBLE house a winch on the back and so good tow hooks along with tieing in a hitch receiver that way i dont have to buy one and bolt on under that just build it right into it...still coimng up with ideas just sorta looking at my avenues for where i will be able to get the material needed for this.

Oh and thanks rick ill try giving them a call sometime tomorrow while im at work

Ridge, here is some inspiration. These were not really heavy, the front one just looks bulky from the headight guards that wrap around.

If I were to build it again, I would cut into the grill and snub it up a little. It sat level with the bottom of my frame.

And the rear is totally boxed in with 2" tube in the rear.


it's possibly closing. That would suck. details at this meeting.



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I couldn't find any info about the possible Crown King closure on that link besides talk about the meeting. What's the scoop?
