FFN's explorer version 2, 19 inches lift, fullsize axles and more | Page 4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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FFN's explorer version 2, 19 inches lift, fullsize axles and more

as yall know, im lifting my explorer again, well here are a few pics of it still on the lift front axle installed and soon the rear should be in within a few days

this explorer now has a D44, soon to get the 3/4ton hubs and spindles, 12 inch superlift springs, the front crossmember from chucks trucks measures out to 7 inch lift, so thats 19 inches total, the steering is the extreme crossover steering setup from SKY Mfg.

the rear will be getting a 14bolt rear that i purchased from a friend along with the front axle thats under there

the tires that are on there are the bald F'd up 39.5 swampers that came with the deal, but we calculated that 44s will easily clear with room to spare, based on the math that the bald 39.5 measures 36 from floor to top peak, and that a true 44 should measure out to 44, and that the radius of the 395 is 18 since it measures 36s, and the radius of a 44 would be 22, thats a 4 inch difference, and i have 9-10 inches of fender clearance, so i still have a 4-5 inch clearance at the closest point of contact

other pics are the headlight measurement, the top of the rear fender (48-49") and the front having the lift and the bald 39.5s and the rear ranger axle with the 35s on it, the rear is getting 6 inch chevy 56" lift springs and prolly a 4 inch block

once it gets back to me i gotta do the driveshafts, convert the brakelines from metric to chevy 3/16's put on the crossover knuckle and steering arms, and then do shock placement








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steering is going to be a crossover steering setup, right now in the search for a D60, so it will get the aftermarket kingpin steering arms

plus today, just as a side note, the ever leaking high pressure power steering hose was replaced today, so that should stop the drop thats been with this truck since i owned it

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oh yeah, found a manual 1354 case at my buddies shop, thats also on the list, i swear ill have about $9k into this explorer after this stage 2.5, stage 3 is gonna be a built motor, but thats after this big invested chunk o change

Now, I am wondering how you are going to keep your drag link at a decent angle? with 19"s of lift. I wouldn't think it possible. I have crossover right now and am at 10. With another 9, I'd be way out there.

ive got a 4inch drop procomp pitman arm, so that will help some, and then my steering should be the crossover/highsteer setup, i measures from point to point and its 42", but most liekly a lot less since i have not included the TREs into the calculation

That length sounds about right. Just be careful with steering. With that tall of a lift you really have to worry about bumpsteer and death wobble. What tires are you going to run?

either 39.5, 42 or 44 TSL's, maybe boggers, or if the deal im workin on goes thru, custom steel 20" rims with military/bigrig tires, a 12.5r20 tire

well just when ya think everything is good and ya found an axle that works, i went ot go buy the one for $1500 and turned out to be a litteral hunk of rust, and buddy still wanted 1500, i started laughing

That's crappy. You can buy rockwells for $1000 front and rear up here. It's stupid when a dana 60 runs the same price.

yeah, rockwells are going for that down here, its just i need this truck to stay street legal and i need wheelbrakes, and thats expensive as hell down here(the wheel brake kits), and its one of those, this TJ offroad place is going around the US buying most of the 1ton axles, and so in a way trying to control the axle market for D60 stuff, i mean they had a good 200 axles in thier yard, but all F'in rusty and not coming off their $1500 price (for a f'in pullout, not even touched)

That's crappy. Man, you must have lenient lift laws where you live. 19"s of lift and 44's? That wouldn't even come close to being legal up here.

2 words


I can't believe how much they are getting out of these frontends. I'll upgrade a dana 44 before I ever buy a 60 at that price. I paid $350 for my 60 4 years ago. The market is going up.

(bad queen/waynes world spoof) "i see a silhoette of a dana sixty, scaramoosh scaramoosh, i can barely lift the damn axle"

yeah, this freight bill on the F'er says it comes in at 600lbs, and after moving it off the trailer, i believe so

little teaser for yall following my truck :-D



still here, axle getting rebuilt, process still slow as hell

FFN: Cool looking rig... :thumbsup: I've read your posts on USA6x6.

Your X is huge!!! I hope to see some action picutres or video when your done with it. Will it be a mud bogging rig or ???

My X should be up and running by the 28th of this month. I bought a set of 12.5R20 a year or so ago on ebay. Those 40's are BIG... I'm needing to get a set of 20s.

Good luck on the rest of your buildup,

EoD , you should be able to get some 20 inch rims from daniel at USA6x6 for a pretty good price if you dont need a beadlock setup, IM me and ill tell you what price he gave me and what you can do to possibly get that price

Cool... I'll get in touch with you after next weekend. I'm trying to finish up my Ex for Glamis Halloween weekend... :)

FFn, your truck is amazing, good luck gettin your axles finished ;)

As for that other one on the gigantic tractor tires... HOLY SWEET JEEBUS! :eek:

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well after a while of my buddy not doing ish to the axle, im sayin F it and taking it to chucks trucks to get finished, crossing fingers completion date before christmas
