FFN's explorer version 2, 19 inches lift, fullsize axles and more | Page 5 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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FFN's explorer version 2, 19 inches lift, fullsize axles and more

as yall know, im lifting my explorer again, well here are a few pics of it still on the lift front axle installed and soon the rear should be in within a few days

this explorer now has a D44, soon to get the 3/4ton hubs and spindles, 12 inch superlift springs, the front crossmember from chucks trucks measures out to 7 inch lift, so thats 19 inches total, the steering is the extreme crossover steering setup from SKY Mfg.

the rear will be getting a 14bolt rear that i purchased from a friend along with the front axle thats under there

the tires that are on there are the bald F'd up 39.5 swampers that came with the deal, but we calculated that 44s will easily clear with room to spare, based on the math that the bald 39.5 measures 36 from floor to top peak, and that a true 44 should measure out to 44, and that the radius of the 395 is 18 since it measures 36s, and the radius of a 44 would be 22, thats a 4 inch difference, and i have 9-10 inches of fender clearance, so i still have a 4-5 inch clearance at the closest point of contact

other pics are the headlight measurement, the top of the rear fender (48-49") and the front having the lift and the bald 39.5s and the rear ranger axle with the 35s on it, the rear is getting 6 inch chevy 56" lift springs and prolly a 4 inch block

once it gets back to me i gotta do the driveshafts, convert the brakelines from metric to chevy 3/16's put on the crossover knuckle and steering arms, and then do shock placement








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so, what are you doing with those worn out tires?

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probably make em a coffee table, i dunno, prolly just give em to the shop to get em out of my hair

If only there was a way to ship them without it costing a fortune. I need a set of beat rubber like that for beating on the street some.

wooooo , axle dropped off at chucks trucks, damn they workin fast, next day i showed up already had the axle torn apart a little, now only to come up with the 1200 for them to finish up the loose ends so it can be installed and drivable

heh, will put the 1ton conversion at $4k invested, heh, might as well gone REO/Rockwells , eh, oh well, ya live and ya learn

cause of muddy muddy sunday down here ( www.trucksgonewild.com ) its gonna be close to christmas/new years for completion



there was a good 3lbs of mud in the hubs/knuckles, and that was after pressure washing, see, its one its way to getting completed

wonder how much chucks would charge me for a simple SAS......

heh, whats your definition of simple? i think at the time a bout a year ago, he said $2500, but ill put it like this, after trying to save $$ and going to another guy, im having to go to chucks to get it done right, ive been helping out at chucks a tiny bit, and from what ive seen, they do not half ass ****

right now chuck is in lakeland getting ready for muddy muddy sunday at lakeland motorsports park, but next week he should be back, and late next week my explorer should be down there, i also gave him my old D35 axles and leaf springs, so you may be able to work out a good deal, lemme know and maybe i can help ya get a better price

update yall, one ton axle in, ubolts on, and some roll around tires and rims till i can get my tires to the shop, still gotta do steering,brakes, and shocks, and a problem has come up about the rear pinion angle and driveshaft and burning up the pinion bearing



Good God that is one nasty explorer. I cant wait to see it with the new shoes on.
-Nick Good

What axle is in the rear? 14 bolt? Looks good so far.

i like the lifted golf cart..... :confused:

The golf kart's bigger than your truck. :D

WOOOOOHOOOOOO, guess whos going rockwells baby, paid cash for the rear, but since im on a shoestring budget right now, i gotta get that highpinion D60 sold so i can get the front and buy the perches and all that,only 3500 more to get er dun

Man that thing better be gittin' a 514cu.in. crate with alot of spray!!!

actually its all in the gearing, cause its one of those, there is a toyota pickup with a 3.0v6 burning the tires with his rockwells, and they are 44s

but it seems that the motor might, might, start to be going, (only 300k documented miles later), so we shall see

well yall, the axle is most likely sold out from under the explorer, the D60 that is, apparently a guy is coming down next saturday to pick up the axle and he is from out of state so its looking positive

I got a 351 HO if you want. Would make a sweet deal on it for ya.

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