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Getting the most out of what I have

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Imma try that out next. I think the rust oleum is nice for actual body paint. My truck is half rust oleum flat black primer and then the rust oleum gloss clear coat. It lasted about 2 years and now the clear coat is looking like crap but imma just redo it.

But I’m gonna buy some of that permatex and try it on all my frame rust. Which is minimal really. West coast truck most it’s life but not to close to the ocean. Very little rust on my beast. The roof is the only spot I have had to actively protect / seen rust.

Have you tried rustoleum before/can you compare? I think the rustoleum one is similar, it smells different than other spray paints and I've had to wear a respirator when applying, so I feel like some sort of similar bonding is happening lol.

Also on those Falken tires, the LT ones are ten-ply. That seems overkill to me? I currently have a passenger tire that is 109S and it has done decent for what I do, but the passenger rated ones are 4-ply. I wish they had a middle ground that was 6 or 8 lol. It looks like the load index will go up by 500 lbs per tire, or 1200 lbs if I get the LT ones. But yeah, they're listed as SL load range which I think is typically 4-ply. I'll probably just get the LT ones. It seems like you could go back and forth on this depending on use cases. Like, most of my miles will definitely be on the highway. But when I decide to go off-roading mid-roadtrip, it's nice to have that extra durability and not need it, than to have a blown tire with no cell service :)

@Fix4Dirt I think our tire sizes are going to be similar, do you know if your toyo tires are LT tires?
yes sir . they are 31x10.5x15 LT c rated tires.

@toobladink I'm late to the party, but OSPHO is another product you might look into. I'd trust 410Fortune's Permatex though, he's been doing this.

Tires, only ever LT. It's a light truck, they make tires for these for a reason. It's a truck and it's designed to be used like a truck, give it tires designed to be used by a truck. You'll thank yourself for spending the extra $100-500 it costs for a proper set of tires (and a matching spare, please tell me you're getting a matching spare) when it DOESN'T blow out, and you save all the time and money you would have spent on replacing a tire you shouldn't have bought in the first place. The miniscule saving is NOT worth the risk.

For the record... I've got 4 vehicles, all with matching spare wheels and tires, three of which are off-road trucks with A/T or M/T LT tires. I have never worked more than one job concurrently. You have no excuse to cheap out on tires!

And I have no excuse to cheap out on brakes. Following your lead and again 410Fortune's, I ordered up the Power Stop K1861-36 (Z36 Truck & Tow). If you like it on the 4-door, I'll trust it for my 2-door.

(and a matching spare, please tell me you're getting a matching spare)
haha yes I am. Ideally I get an extra wheel and mount it on the back - I still have the spare underneath. I just don't know if that's something I want to do, or even how I would do that without having to fab something myself. Then I could easily do a 5 tire rotation instead of 4 like I have been doing. I just don't want whatever wheel that sits underneath to get all messed up because I'm not cleaning it as often and I feel like it will take a beating. The spare wheel looks pretty rough and is quite rusty. What's funny about this size is that a 235/85R16 is the same diameter, just skinnier. So if I do keep it underneath the car, maybe I could get that size - I feel like skinny spares are pretty common, but I only see that on sedans. Just seems like a weird/bad/"why would you do that" type of idea the more I think about it.

@toobladink I'm late to the party, but OSPHO is another product you might look into. I'd trust 410Fortune's Permatex though, he's been doing this.

Tires, only ever LT. It's a light truck, they make tires for these for a reason. It's a truck and it's designed to be used like a truck, give it tires designed to be used by a truck. You'll thank yourself for spending the extra $100-500 it costs for a proper set of tires (and a matching spare, please tell me you're getting a matching spare) when it DOESN'T blow out, and you save all the time and money you would have spent on replacing a tire you shouldn't have bought in the first place. The miniscule saving is NOT worth the risk.

For the record... I've got 4 vehicles, all with matching spare wheels and tires, three of which are off-road trucks with A/T or M/T LT tires. I have never worked more than one job concurrently. You have no excuse to cheap out on tires!

And I have no excuse to cheap out on brakes. Following your lead and again 410Fortune's, I ordered up the Power Stop K1861-36 (Z36 Truck & Tow). If you like it on the 4-door, I'll trust it for my 2-door.
i run the z23s the rotors are great my only thing is just the pads could use some more bite at light braking (if i go foot to floor it stops on a dime) and there is zero dust practically. the ford HD pads (idk theyre blue backed) are the best pads ive found with the power stop rotors

haha yes I am. Ideally I get an extra wheel and mount it on the back - I still have the spare underneath. I just don't know if that's something I want to do, or even how I would do that without having to fab something myself. Then I could easily do a 5 tire rotation instead of 4 like I have been doing. I just don't want whatever wheel that sits underneath to get all messed up because I'm not cleaning it as often and I feel like it will take a beating. The spare wheel looks pretty rough and is quite rusty. What's funny about this size is that a 235/85R16 is the same diameter, just skinnier. So if I do keep it underneath the car, maybe I could get that size - I feel like skinny spares are pretty common, but I only see that on sedans. Just seems like a weird/bad/"why would you do that" type of idea the more I think about it.
donuts are fine on the road in a pinch, but offroading you really want a full size spare, since it gets subjected to much heavier use

Junk yards (or other used parts distributors) can often get spare wheels for a lot cheaper than you'd pay for a "repaired" one.

Personally, I keep the spare strapped down in the back of the truck when off-roading. Lower center of gravity than keeping it on the roof, more clearance than keeping it underneath or making a bumper carrier. The nice thing is, you don't always have to keep it in the same place. The not-so-nice thing is, tires are big, and dirty!
