How to: $32 Spring Over Axle Conversion - SOA | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How to: $32 Spring Over Axle Conversion - SOA

would it work to do this on a sport with a mono leaf, and take off the extra fake spring block thing that takes up the space used by the 4 door leaf packs. If i have this figured right, it will give me about 3-4 inches of lift instead of 6" with 4 door leafs. so since my rear was 1.25" lower before the 2"TT this would be close to the front. Does anyone see any problems with this? because right now i have an add a leaf and longer shackles to lift the rear for the TT, and if i did this i would gain ground clearance and i would't have the shackles sticking out from under my bumper, which will get worse when i put my BL on.

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add a leaf doesnt work with a mono leaf.

Yes you can spring over a mono leaf, it will be about 5" or more of lift.
You will be raking to the front, the ass will be up in the air.

the mono leafs suck IMO, if you are going through all this trouble mine as well ditch them too.

I think you will need more lift up front to match, the axle tube itself is about 4" or more tall....

ya, i wasn't sure how much lift it'd be acutally......and i do have an ad a leaf on my mono i guess they're double leaves is possible.

I was considering doing this and then getting a Superrunner (or something similar) 5.5" lift for the front, with all new brake lines all around... I priced a full 5.5" lift from a local offroad shop up here, and they wanted about $1500 CAD for the whole thing - lift, brake lines, and steering correction - so I'm guessing that just the front lift, brake lines, and steering correction would be about $1000, probably even cheaper if I drove down to the states to get it... I suppose I ought to just suck it up and do a SAS and leaf springs in the front and SOA the rear... it'll probably work out to roughly the same cost and I'd end up in a better position...


where did you get your perches from? I'm tryin to do the "$32" conversion.

Thanks, man

You can get a perches from Summit Racing, Currie and quite a few other places too

Wow, this thread is old, I'm actually Sprung under again!

There are dirt cheap u-bolts and perches at Fleet Farm or Farm and Fleet. I paid $4 each when I did my first swap. Now I'm paying $10-12 a u-bolt and I'm not sure what a perch goes for.

Wow, this thread is old, I'm actually Sprung under again!

There are dirt cheap u-bolts and perches at Fleet Farm or Farm and Fleet. I paid $4 each when I did my first swap. Now I'm paying $10-12 a u-bolt and I'm not sure what a perch goes for.
Why are you spring under again??? I am currently trying to get 33's under my truck and have 2" shackles and 2" spacers. The SOA sounded like a good idea..... anything we should know safety and performance wise? I am now looking to do a 3" body with new shocks for the 33's

I would probably go add-a-leaf if I were you, a Spring over plus shackles will raise your rear way too high over front.

I'm Spring under cause I've got a whole different truck. I'm following the build that it had when I got it, therefore I just put a brand new pissed off 11 leaf pack under it. It likes to go fast and has better bump travel when the springs don't go into a negative arch. SOA is better for flex thought.


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Wow, that pack is EVIL

Just a thought..... On other vehicles I have done soa lifts on you could just switch the shock brackets to the opposite side and flip them upside down?? I am going to tear down my rear suspension this weekend and try it. I am sure someone else has tried this so let me know how it worked.

I don't think it will work. I tried it. I think it lines up the shocks wrong, since the shocks are at a compound angle and you can only stretch the bushings so much. It would be best not to stretch the bushings and to work in line with the top/ bottom mount.

Also, I think it would make for a very short shock- it would have to be about 2" shorter than stock to fit right if the angles would work. A shorter shock overall means less available travel. a 6" long compressed shock can only travel 5" max- 11" long to 6" long.

that and the fact that the factory plates have a lip on them, so flipping them won't work (if you were referring to just flipping over the plate, not moving it above the spring pack.

If you were to mount your shocks to someplace else on the axle I would suggest round ubolts and a flat plate on top.

My spring plates are just flipped over on top of the axle. This works fine even with the lip on mine. The shocks won't mount up though.

Ahh, I see what Danny was saying. Yes, mine are on top of the spring pack, not sandwiched between. Good point Danny.

what front lift did you run with the soa???

Wow ok here's a question

I have a '96 explorer xlt eddie bauer 5.0l and i have front coil springs. How would i differ the process to work for my rig? Also, because i've got the eddie doesn't that make any mods way more technical?

that looks like a damn semi truck spring pack... holy cow!

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