How to: $32 Spring Over Axle Conversion - SOA | Page 4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How to: $32 Spring Over Axle Conversion - SOA

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not sure if this has already been answered...but in dannys first pics are those stock leafs?
and would this work with a rough country 4 inch rear shocks?
oh and what did danny use for the front lift on his SOA conversion?

yup, those are stock leaf springs. I used shocks for a 2.5" rancho lift and used the stock mounting plates so the 4" would be even better.

My front end first was a mix and match but basically a skyjacker 6" lift and then went to a coil sprung Dana 44.

I used a 4" lift for the front with my SOA. With the 4" the back is a little higher but with a 6" the front would be higher.

so is there a way to make a 4 inch lift work in the front? or would you just have to buy 5 or 5.5 inch coils?

that would work, your front would just sit lower. I started like that 4" lift, 3" body lift spring over axle, 32's.


Little bump lol :)

Quick question, seeing as how a 4" lift would leave my front end lower with an SOA. Could I just use some F150 coil seats for another 1 1/2 lift? Would I still be able to get my front end aligned?

Little bump lol :)

Quick question, seeing as how a 4" lift would leave my front end lower with an SOA. Could I just use some F150 coil seats for another 1 1/2 lift? Would I still be able to get my front end aligned?

I'm no expert but from what I understand the 4" pretty much maxes things out so you would have a problem aligning the front. If I remember right you would also need a different drop pitman to go more than 4".

You would need to go with a 5" or 5.5" lift to level it out or some people have done a body left and staggered it so there is 0" lift in back and 2" in front.

Little bump lol :)

Quick question, seeing as how a 4" lift would leave my front end lower with an SOA. Could I just use some F150 coil seats for another 1 1/2 lift? Would I still be able to get my front end aligned?

Actually you should be fine with a 4" drop bracket lift, 4" lift coils and F150 seats. I actually ran a 6" coil with F150 seats from the 4" drop position on the skyjacker drop brackets. The 6" position just seemed too low and didn't want to align on my truck.

quick question dannyboy, is there any welding involved? My bosses friend was willing to help me with this but said i would have to weld on the perches but he wanted me to pay a hefty sum.

yes there is welding.

unless you buy the super lift soa bracket.

quick question dannyboy, is there any welding involved? My bosses friend was willing to help me with this but said i would have to weld on the perches but he wanted me to pay a hefty sum.

to sounds like a good excuse to buy a welder!

pinion angle isn't really an issue, just make sure the front of the perch and rear of the perch are the same distance from eachother on the top & bottom.

I made a highly sofisticated diagram to explain that you can see below. remember from math class, x=x !

Now if you didn't weld, the perches would shift, but you could bolt it all together and drive very gently to a garage or fab shop I would think they should charge you more than $30-50 to lay a few bead on the perches.


  • spring perches.JPG
    spring perches.JPG
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Here is how I did mine.. Hope this helps a little.

First clean the area where the new perches will be mounted.

Set in place.

Get the bottom perches at zero degrees. You will need a jack to place under the axle to rotate it.

Get new perch at zero degrees

Burn it on..

Is there any specific type of welder i would need? Also, how hard would it be because i have no experience with welding

Is there any specific type of welder i would need? Also, how hard would it be because i have no experience with welding

Then go weld up some lawn ornaments to display in your yard to learn, not a 4,000 lbs truck that could lose control when the driveline shifts because you have no idea what you are doing. it may be urban legend, but a driveshaft can pull out and act like a pole vault.

Then go weld up some lawn ornaments to display in your yard to learn, not a 4,000 lbs truck that could lose control when the driveline shifts because you have no idea what you are doing. it may be urban legend, but a driveshaft can pull out and act like a pole vault.

lol ok. so would any type of welder work?

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