How to: $32 Spring Over Axle Conversion - SOA | Page 6 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How to: $32 Spring Over Axle Conversion - SOA

My 91 sport currently has no lift. If I done this, what is an option for lifting the front without buying a whole lift kit? Sorry for my ignorance, I am new to the technical side of 4wd's, I want it to be as cheap as possible while still be safe.

Thanks for any help.


a TT which takes 10-20min and a 3" spindle lift

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I have everything figured out on how to lift the rear and i like the idea alot. I still need to know how exactly i can lift the front end just as much. I have a 98 sport and i want to put some lift under it so i can stuff 32's or 33's under it. I really want it to be safe and i know it will look cool when i'm done. Thanks for the help...

you can fit 32-33s with some shackles and TT with some fender trimming. going bigger with independent suspenion youll need a spindle lift

how do i lift the front of my truck?

just messing with you guys, but in all seriousness does anyone know at what height does the drive shaft need to be lengthened?

i have AAL/re-arched leafs/shackles already which gives me significant lift in the rear and no problems right now. i want to go SOA ditching the AAL/Shackles (hoping to be at the same ride height). also i have air bag shocks which take some weight, i will be ditching these as well for regular shocks.

if all goes well i should have the same ride height, more flex and hopefully my dshaft should be good ?

Not gonna match the 6" of lift in the rear with a SOA on the front with the IFS. Atleast not without changing frontend parts and tires every couple months. Best bet is to do a Solid Axle Swap.

why would i have to change front end parts ard tires every couple months ?

The stress of the angles on the IFS parts causing misaligned tires. On a 4wd if you go higher than 2" of TT lift or 3" TT lift on a 2wd you will cause alot of wear faster than you want. You're better off doing a SAS to match your SOA unless you want the back to be alot higher than the front. You can offset ththe body angle by doing a sloped bodylift but still not doing anything the suspension by doing the BL.

i dont think you understand what i am asking. my first question about raising the front was merely a joke because of others posting about front suspension in a thread that is clearly about rear suspension. I understand the limitations of IFS

I am looking to see if anyone agrees with or has comments/suggestions about my idea of doing the SOA. I will be going from:

AAL/Shackles/lifting shocks/re-arched springs to SOA/standard shocks/regular leafs

by doing this i am hoping to get the same lift i have now just SOA instead of SUA. also i dont mind having a bit of rake because of all the weight I add during camping trips (gear, woods, BEER) will leave it level

Gotcha, lol. There's alot of new guys on here that don't understand the IFS's limitations, I wasn't sure if you were one of them with the way you asked the question in the beginning. Best of luck to to ya with your project.

where did you find the perches, and the square u bolts?

Joo read the entire thread?

Hey dannyboy not trying to hijack but do you by chance have a picture of the emergency brake cable?? I just did a superlift soa and the drivers side emergency brake cable doesn't reach and I'm not sure what to do about it?

97 explorer SOA lift

After the back is done, what is to be done on the front to bring level? What would be the over all gain, 5 or 6in?

I'm curious if i could do 4" coils WITH f-150 coil spacers in the front, and SOA in the rear to get an even lift

Will I get 5.5 with leaving the stock shocks on?

Does any body know if you can do this with 4wd and get the front end to stay level with the rear with out SAS? Would it be safe for my front end, keep the cv axles, and exert thing else up front from blowing or no? If so please respond.

Does any body know if you can do this with 4wd and get the front end to stay level with the rear with out SAS? Would it be safe for my front end, keep the cv axles, and exert thing else up front from blowing or no? If so please respond.

Short answer: No... you cannot.

You can't adjust the front end about 2" before CV joints have issues. The SOA in the rear will be 5.5"-6" of lift.


Will I get 5.5 with leaving the stock shocks on?

If your asking if you can use the stock shocks.. It depends.. If you move the shock mounts to the top of the axle then yes, they should still reach. If you keep the lower mounts lower to the ground then no, you'll need longer shocks.


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Anyone know if this is possible to do with ifs and 4wd?
