Is this the caliper slide I need for my 92 EX? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Is this the caliper slide I need for my 92 EX?

old mechanic

Explorer Addict
November 23, 2003
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92 xlt
I have 3 questions. 1-I don't have a picture but they are kinda thin metal on the outside with rubber on the inside. Auto Zone lists them as caliper slides. Are these the right ones? 2-Also I bought some caliper grease. Is that grease ok to use on the slides?
My EX needs front brake pads and I read about all the trouble taking out the caliper slides so I figured I would just buy new ones. 3-How many slides for each side? They come 2 in a package.

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The caliper Slides arent hard at all to get out. You just smack it with a hammer untill it is flush with the caliper, then you use a regular headed screwdriver and put the screwdriver on the slide and hit the screwdriver with the hammer untill the slide works its way all the way out. It is really simple actually, and you dont need to replace the slides.

These slides are thin on the outside and have rubber on the inside. They must be the wrong ones because 1 blow with a hammer will bend them.
BTW: I think that my left front slides are shot or falling out, because I hear kind of a clunk noise when I stop from that side. Thats why I was thinking I need new slides. Are they supposed to be SOLID metal?

no the are metal with rubber inner. They are pretty strong so long as you strike them from the end. I use a rubber or brass faced hammer when I do. No harm in replacing them and yes by all means lube then.

The caliper slide pins are curved metal sections sandwiched between a rubber core... I will pm you in a few minutes...

Caliper slide grease is exactly what you want to use. It is recommended over reg grease because it doesn't react with rubber. If regular grease gets on the caliper piston seal (rubber) then it can cause it to swell and eventual leak/fail.
