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Josh P's 05 Jeep Liberty diesel

@Josh P Remember the engine balance issues. Is the diesel 0 balance. Are you wanting a flex plate or flywheel?

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@Josh P Remember the engine balance issues. Is the diesel 0 balance. Are you wanting a flex plate or flywheel?
The diesel is 0 balanced. I want a flywheel. Engine currently has a flex plate attached to it. I need a tall overdrive and the 5R110W isn't enough.

M5od? I
Mean what other manual is there for the fords? M5od-r2 is about as good as it gets I don’t think the zf5 would fit in there

M5od? I
Mean what other manual is there for the fords? M5od-r2 is about as good as it gets I don’t think the zf5 would fit in there
T56 magnum. I'd use the corvette extension housing so I could mount a transfer case to it. I'd get the wide ratio trans with 2.97 1st and .5 6th.

I have given up on getting a flywheel drilled, asked several places, what's the worst that can happen and got the same response. It can come apart. The SAE 2 adapter won't fit and an 17 inch clutch is overkill for the V6. I'm going to see if I can have a bellhousing made to fit the ZF manual adapter plate, then I can use the 6.0 flywheel.

Drill your own flywheel with the clutch sitting on it then it’s not terribly difficult, center punch and drill press

I’ve never had one come apart yet, we regularly drill the old 6 bolt ohv flywheels to accept the 8 bolt flywheel sohc clutch

Drill your own flywheel with the clutch sitting on it then it’s not terribly difficult, center punch and drill press

I’ve never had one come apart yet, we regularly drill the old 6 bolt ohv flywheels to accept the 8 bolt flywheel sohc clutch
Something else I've thought about that I need to take into consideration is an 11 inch clutch probably won't be enough. Stock power is fine, but I'm looking at turning it up as high as I can.
