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JTX's D44 Solid Axle Swap Thread!

Well i finally got almost all my parts gathered up so its time to start the thread. I decided to go solid mainly because the TTB couldnt take the abuse i was throwing at it. I needed something that could take a little more abuse while still being able to be road worthy. The TTB was a good axle, dont get me wrong, it just doesnt like 35's and 4.56's with a welded diff. :) Ill get some pictures and specs up within the next few days.

The goal, this is mainly a trail rig, Its already caged and the inside is gutted, once the solid axle is complete the Explorer will be getting a new paint job. After that im going wheeling for a couple years before my next major project!


Front Axle
-1979 F-150 HP D44 Full-Width $120
-4.88 Gears and install kit (Installed myself) $150
-Mini Spoil/Possibly Aussie Locker
-Bronco Graveyard Coil Buckets
-Custom Lower Coil Mounts
-Custom Radius Arms with Heims
-SkyJacker 6 Inch Extended Brake Lines $Free
**I'll add more as i go

Rear Axle (Axle was used up to last year, in great condition)
-1979 F-150 Ford 9 Inch $120
-4.88 Gears and Install Kit $150
-Mini Spoil, came with gears $Free
-Brakes were brand new, no need to change.
-Stock Explorer Shocks
-79 Stock F-150 Brake Lines
-Custom Driveshaft
**I'll add more as i go




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Signing up for the progress reports.


how much of new mexico is urbanized?

21robbie21 said:
how much of new mexico is urbanized?

Not too much, lots more open land than urbanized. Tons of good rock crawling spots statewide, some of the more famous rockcrawling spots are Farmington, NM and Las Cruces, NM. I am going to show JTX some new local spots to test out his new SAS when he finishes.

ya i was looking at his pics that seemed very rural and i figured it was a great place for lots of varied trails, i wish we had some mountains and rocks around here, its mostly mud.

sighning up for progress

hey man, cool to see you're going to solid axle. i'll sign up and see how it goes.

Thanks guys, lately i have been working on the Dana 44. I need to find a yoke for it, i tried using the one from my TTB, but the seal didnt like it. Im gonna try and get it to work, if not ill have to find a yoke from a dana 44. I also ordered my gears and a spool for the rear, they should be here early next week! :)

You gonna stick with 35s or are you going bigger?

35's for now, then after Moab ill go to either a 37 or 38. Thats why i geared it a little lower. I'll probably be ttaking it to car shows after its all done with the paint and body work. My friend happens to be one of the best painters in the state, so it'll look good.

good to see you going solid Joey! looking forward to updates

You going to use the stock radius arm bushing setup or are you going to use a hiem joint at the end?

-Custom Radius Arms with Heims

First post ;)

I had some sweet tube doors, i took them off though cause i didnt like the way it looked.

Progress, waiting on parts.. Once gears get here ill have them in the same day, Dana 44 is mostly done also.

Update- Today i got alot done, i got the gears and spoil in the 9 inch. It is now complete and ill get it in tomorrow morning. I ordered the coils for the dana 44 today also, hopefully ill have it almost in by next weekend. The gears and spool are in, im just waiting for the correct seal so i can use my ttb yoke.

Pictures will come tomorrow.

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just to ask where did u get the gears and the install kit

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